Blue Eyes

146 11 6

Mark's POV:

"Yo Mark? Wanna go out on Saturday?" Jack said stretching his neck backwards over my sofa to look at me, upside down. I smiled cheekily and walked over to sit next to him.

"Are you asking me on a date, McLoughlin?" I raised an eyebrow patted his legs so he move so I could sit with him.

"No ya doof." I laughed as he gently hit me. "I was asking because there's this art show going on over in the next town, and I wanted to go. But not alone, no way in hell am I going alone." I raised my eyebrows again and started chuckling. "What?"

"An art show? How cute."

"Shut up Mark" He pushed my shoulder gently and grabbed the remote on the table to switch on my dead black TV. He stared intensely at the moving pictures and mumbled something under his breath.


"You don't have to go... it's dumb anyway." He looked down at the ground as his voice drifted of, going fully transparent.

"No I want to." He perked up and looked at me, grinning from ear to ear.


"Yea. Might be nice to somewhere that isn't this small crappy place." I gestured to the crooked walls surrounding us.

"Hey I like your house." His voice went quiet, but he kept talking. I don't think he knew I could hear him, or if I was supposed to, but I did. "It's better than my house..."

I shook it off and stood up excitedly.

"Look, I know fuck all about art, so if we're gonna go to this thing, you need to not make fun of me throughout the entire thing."

"Mark. We're going to an art show. Im sure that'll be more difficult on your part." He laughed and walked into my kitchen, punching me lightly in the stomach as he did so. "Do you want anything?"


"Jaaaaaaaaacccccccckkkkkkkkkk" I said moaning loudly, like a small child. He didn't respond. "JAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK" I said louder, this time right in his ear. I tugged on his arm and he giggled, turning to face me.

"What's the matter?" We kept walking and walking and walking. We had been walking to this goddamned art show for an hour.

"Where the hell is this thing?"

"I told you, the next town up. It just so happens the next town up is one of the biggest in the State." He laughed as he saw my eyes grow wider. I hated walking.

"Who's idea was it to walk then?! I'm gonna beat the shit out of them and steal their car." I huffed.

"Mark, it was your idea. Hey the exercise is good for you. You can't spend all of your time in your room playing video games." He walked a little bit faster and I struggled to keep up with him.

"Hey! I don't! Yesterday we played Overwatch in my living room!"

"That's not what I meant M-" He was cut off by a large building covered in white paint and spotted holes filled with ocean clear glass. He smiled and looked at it.

"Is that the place?"

"Yea. That's it."

We walked inside and somehow, I got this feeling that just made me want to smile forever. The room was amazing, filled with large sculptures made from different types of stone, all sized painting with colours I never even knew existed and a bright white wall. I kept walking but Jack stopped, completely mesmerised by the whole thing. He had a smile and he looked like he was going to cry right there and then. But I didn't want him to embarrass himself so I tugged on his shoulder and asked him if he was okay. He smiled whilst nodding his head and continued moving.

Come to think about it, I didn't know a lot about Jack. He's always been very secretive. Maybe this place was a lot more important to him than he was letting on. I didn't know, which is why I hated myself for even thinking about these damned polls at school, let alone agreeing to carry them on. I frowned about the thought of it and was soon woken out of my thoughts by the one person that I was frowning about.

"Hey? You okay?" He asked moving his head down so I could see it. I smiled and nodded. Today was not a day to worry about school. I was here to have a good time with my best frien- Wait. Is Jack my best friend?

We spent the next couple hours looking at some of the most amazing art I've ever seen. Some art that I didn't even know could be made. And all the while, Jack wouldn't stop smiling. He looked soft, like if you were to touch him, he would completely melt away in your hands. I'd never seen him look so at peace.

Despite the incredible amounts of art in just this one building, there was one that just took the prize. The painting had a road running through the middle of colored spirals, spewing off in all directions, and at the end of the room was a bright light. I didn't understand what the message was, but it made me feel something I hadn't ever felt before. I looked at Jack, and he was in his usual state of the day, staring at the painting. Admiring every little detail. I smiled at his interest in it. It showed who he really was.

Whilst he was staring at the painting, I was staring at him. Admiring every little detail about him, which actually, was probably the best work of art. I'd never noticed the way that his green hair fell over his forehead in a scruffy matter, or the way his glasses kept falling to the tip of his well crafted nose, or how blue his eyes were. They were the kind of blue you could drown in, sinking to the bottom and not give a crap. They were the kind of blue that you could stare up at on a nice day and get burned by the blazing sun, not giving a crap because the blue was just that good. I never noticed his eyes. His eyes were... something of another kind. I felt myself melting as I smiled at the boy, who was still looking at the painting.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I said, still staring at Jack. He nodded slightly and smiled.

"It really is." I laughed to myself as he spoke back. He thought I was talking about the painting.

But I was really talking about him.


This chapter is so shitty oml.

I'm so sorry I haven't been active, it's just my computer broke so I had to use my phone, but I really hate using my phone to write, so I thought I would hold on until I got a new computer. Sorry for the delay, but it's up now. And I thought I'd give you some fluff to make up for it.

Q - Do you think Mark has a wittle crusshhhhh?

I'll be updating a lot more now, because I got my computer back so yay me

Thanks for sticking with it (Almost at 400 reads wut)

Love you guys :)


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