Mine To Claim

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Lisia's P.O.V.

I hate seeing anyone other than me eyeing May.I get these feelings of anger balling up inside me and I want to scratch their eyes out! It makes it even harder for me since she's a popular Contest Spectacular Idol and all eyes are on her when she's performing on stage.I'd do anything to take her place on that stage to keep her away from being viewed by filthy eyes.

I shook my head.I shouldn't be thinking these thoughts.Why does jealousy make me this way? I feel like such a bad person...

But I have a May to look after! It's my obligation! Especially now that May and I are officially a thing! Well,I don't know if I should be saying officially...I haven't even told uncle Wallace yet.

I sighed.I just want to scream at the top of my lungs and tell to the whole world that May and I are soulmates.We're meant to be and it's written in the stars.I don't know if that's what May wants,though.To make our relationship public I mean.

I just don't want anyone to come in and sweep her off her feet and carry her away.I would just be so heartbroken.I don't think I'd be able to do anything without her.She's meant for me,and me only.She's been on her journey and accomplished many great things.She's been through so many experiences,along with her Pokemon.And who did she come back home to at the end of the day? Me!

And who did she come back home to at the end of the day? Me!

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May is just a totally awesome girl. Anybody would be attracted to her. She pulls people in with her overwhelming aura of greatness and superiority. I wasn't really surprised when I noticed a little something-something going on whenever Wally, Brendan, and Steven were around her. This protectiveness inside of me just can't be contained!

Disclaimer:I do not own Pokemon,Pokemon characters,and images


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