May and Lisia Go To A Parade

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"Everyone under the rainbow is welcome to the friendliest pride event ever! You know that regardless of what town the party's stopping in, you're in for an incredible time."

"Lisia, where are you taking me?"

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"Lisia, where are you taking me?"

"Someplace amazing!"


"Just get in the car!"

Lisia pulled the door of her Bentley Mulsanne open and pushed May inside. "Hurry and sit down! I'm taking you somewhere."

Lisia went over to her side behind the wheel. "You're about to see some amazing floats, witness mind-bending dance routines, scout some vendors, gather plenty of swag and likely close out the day with yummy local grub and a refreshing cocktail or two!"

May looked over at Lisia in confusion. "Sounds like a parade."

Lisia beamed. "These parades are basically the perfect recipe for an unbeatable time with someone like you."She gave May a loving look.

A small smile started to form at the corners of May's mouth. She raised an eyebrow. "These parades?"

"May, I want us to make some memories that will last several long, proud lifetimes. This parade will be just the place to make some."Lisia turned the key and started the car.

"I have a special playlist ready for us for this occasion. Hope you get pumped! It's non-negotiable by the way."

Rolling through the city, windows down, blasting "A Little Respect" by Erasure and belting at the top of their lungs, they made their way toward the mysterious, much hyped parade.

Stopping at a traffic light, another car pulled alongside them, full of happy people decked out in rainbow, and the driver gave them the thumbs up. As the car drove off before them, May noticed a "Honk for Pride" bumper sticker.


Lisia handed May a water bottle. "Here's a bottle of water. We're going to be moving around a lot so it's best to keep ourselves hydrated."

May nodded. "Thanks."

"Wait! Let me apply sunscreen on you!"Lisia whipped out broad-spectrum sunblock labeled SPF 35. "We wouldn't want to be beet red at the end of the day, now do we?"

"We were supposed to apply it fifteen minutes before heading out!"May giggled. "That tickles! Why are you taking off my clothes?"

"We have to get dressed up! Here! I have an outfit for you!"

"But I'm already dressed just fine. Is it not okay?"

Lisia shook her head furiously. "You look fine but we have to dress in brighter colors."She placed a white floppy hat with a gold trim decorated with rainbow ribbons on May's head. "I'll take the rest out in a sec."

15 minutes later...

Along with clothes, Lisia applied makeup on May.

May ended up wearing rainbow high-waisted shorts and a rainbow tie-dye halter top with Timberland floral boots.

Lisia wore a rainbow flower crown, a lace me up rainbow tie-dye halter top with a rainbow tutu along with rainbow cuff thigh-high socks and light pink bow shoes.

Lisia did May's eyeliner and lashes with rainbow eyeshadow along the wing and pastel rainbow lipstick to her lips. Lisia did her own lips with shimmery glitter and rainbow eyeshadow. One eyelid with warm colors and the other eyelid with cool colors.

Lisia put on a pair of rainbow sunglasses and gave May an approving smile. "Alright! We're ready!"She handed her a tote bag, which she placed their water bottles and sunblock within.



"I have a feeling about where exactly we're going."

"Haha, really? Well, I knew you'd figure it out sooner or later. You're a really smart girl, you know?"

"Are you sure about this?"

Lisia looked May confidently in the eyes and gave her a heartwarming, encouraging smile. "May, we should definitely do this."She reached out  her hand.

"I trust you."May took Lisia's hand into her,holding onto it tightly.


The streets were crowded with people of all ages, dressed in various types of bright and colorful clothing. Groups of people held up one or two flags while walking while other individuals walked with those flags that are attached to the sticks. There was so much movement in the streets that the energetic atmosphere was contagious.

May began to feel the anxiety build up inside of her. There were so many people packed together and so little space. She almost felt lost in all the noise and excitement. Tightening her grip on Lisia's hand, she turned over to face her. Lisia was watching the gigantic crowds  of people walk by in awe. You could almost see her eyes sparkle in amazement. Lisia's smile was enough to reassure that she was going to have a great time nevertheless.

She didn't know if it was the vibe of the whole area but honestly, May felt like she just wanted to meet people and have a good time. She could tell Lisia felt the same way. May just hoped she wouldn't lose Lisia in all the chaos because she knew it would be a headache to try and find her. 

Lisia gave May's hand a slight tug and began to walk forward. As they were about to join in, a few people stopped to place beads and rainbow-colored flower leis around their necks. They didn't seem to recognize May and Lisia due to all the commotion and they quickly left to regroup with the crowd.

Lisia and May quickly followed in pursuit so they wouldn't get trampled on. The people who gave them the neckwear had left an opening in the crowd and the girls quickly took their place in it. They were rewarded with colored wristbands and bracelets as soon as they joined in.

There was so much to look at, they didn't want to miss any of it. They were surrounded by so much, their eyes couldn't follow most of it all. So many people, costumes, floats,signs and balloons. They lost themselves in all of the performances and activities. Just being a pedestrian in the parade makes you feel like you haven't lived a full life.

Reality felt like a weird world you don't want to be a part of anymore. Why can't every day be like this? Rainbows literally pave the street and there's so much love surrounding them, May and Lisia began to feel emotional. At the end of the day, they were extremely exhausted. Their pockets and tote bag overflowing with gifts, rewards, accessories, candies, flyers and unmentionables.

Whether being hesitant or afraid at first, it doesn't matter anymore because it had been totally worth it. May looked at Lisia gratefully with a big smile on her face. With a loving look on her face, Lisia wrapped her arms around May's waist and brought her in for a tender kiss while there was still confetti dropping from the sky.

Attending a Pride Parade was definitely emotional but they'll definitely be able to brace themselves for the rush all over again of they were to attend one again next year.

Disclaimer:I do not own Pokemon,Pokemon characters,and images


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