Reasons Why I Take Forever To Update

414 3 1

2 things:

Writer's Block and Highschool

If I feel really unmotivated in my English class, how do you expect me to be able to write on Wattpad?

Don't take it the wrong way since it's mostly my fault. I'm trying, I really am. I really want to complete many of my Stories but things just get in the way and I end up procrastinating since I have very little time left nowadays.

During the week I have school and after school activities/clubs and I only have three hours at home. Two hours to finish up projects and homework while sometimes eating and to release the last of my energy since I'm sometimes overwhelmed(sometimes since I'm adjusting to it) and I spend the rest of my time watching recently uploaded videos on Youtube(which, to be honest, I also consider work since I add videos to my Watch Later list which I consider sort of like a 'This is 'Work' You Have To Spend Time On' List). advice? If you have any?

Well, thanks for hearing me out.

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