A Thanksgiving Feast

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I know this is late but...

It's been a month since Lisia had sent home the letter to her Uncle Wallace. The only reply Lisia had received was:

Dear Lisia,

I expect to see you home this upcoming Thanksgiving and we may further continue this discussion at our reunion.

See you soon,

                            Your Uncle Wallace

Lisia tensed up once receiving the letter and when she read its contents fear clawed at the insides of her stomach and confusion took over her thoughts. She had to get over these emotions within her or she'd never be able to look him in the eye and he won't take her seriously.

She knew Wallace wouldn't be the type to let her down and yet, she just can't stop small traces of these emotions from returning, It's not like he had immediately denied her but he still hasn't accepted her either.

All Lisia could do was pray that everything will turn alright for her and May.

Speaking of May, she doesn't think she's heard of May mentioning her coming out to her mother. Lisia will be sure to bring it up before Thanksgiving the next time they meet up.


It's a week before Thanksgiving Day and May has come down with a temporary cold. She should be fine in 2 days or maybe one more. Lisia has been visiting her apartment in Mauville Hills frequently to check up on her and leaving off necessities such as chicken soup, more medicine, and more water.

Lisia still hasn't found time to ask May directly about whether or not she's come out to her mom because she's been going around Hoenn back and forth and only has a small amount of free time to drop off the stuff at May's apartment.

Later that night after she had returned from dropping off the latest bags of groceries at her girlfriend's apartment, Lisia lay in bed staring at her ceiling fan spin, an open magazine sitting on her lap. She shook her head in frustration and sighed. She just had to ask already. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and she had to get all the obstacles cleared out the way before that big day.

She decided on giving May a call right before she fell asleep to tell her she was coming over the next day.

"What? But don't you have another busy day?"May asked concerned, her nose clearly stuffed due to the sound of her voice.

"Don't worry. I've cleared out my schedule just to see you tomorrow."Lisia explained.

"But you're schedules are usually packed! Are you sure?"May sneezed in the background.

"Don't worry about it. I have something to talk to you about. I'll see you. Have a good night's rest. I hope that cold doesn't bother you too much."Lisia blew a kiss through the phone.

"See you tomorrow, Lisia. Good night, princess."

Lisia felt herself blush as the phone clicked on the other side signifying May had hung up. She sighed in relief and closed her eyes. She'll finally get her answer and hopefully, she won't have to worry about it anymore. Except...

The next day...

Lisia knocked on the door and turned the extra copy of the apartment key in the doorknob before opening it to notify May that she had arrived.

"Good morning, love!"Lisia exclaimed and she stepped in, closing the door behind her. May groaned a greeting from her bedroom.

Lisia dropped the bag of groceries on the kitchen counter and went over to knock on May;s bedroom door. "I'm coming in, 'kay?" She turned the knob.

"Hiii."May mumbled, squinting her eyes from under her bed covers.

Lisa sat beside her on her bed, giving May a warm smile. "Are you feeling better?"

May gave Lisia a small frown. "I guess I am but I don't want to get out of bed, though."She replied.

"May, have you come out to your mom?"Lisia asked, very straightforward.

May stared at Lisia for a moment before replying with a simple,"Yes."

Lisia raised an eyebrow. "Aaand?"

"Well, she...didn't really care. Although, she actually always thought I'd have a thing with maybe Brendan or Wally ever since I met them but she's okay with it. I mean, it's you that I'm dating. Who wouldn't fall for you?"May gave Lisia a flirty smile. "As for my dad, I guess he was dumbfounded since he's always sort of expected me to marry and have kids so he could be the Gym Leader grandpa. I-I mean, it's not like we can't have kids. W-well, I-I don't even know if we're getting married... yet."May felt her face heat up.

"But like my mom, if I'm happy with my decisions, then they're happy, too."

Lisia stared at May with a satisfied smile on her face. "I'm glad."

She leaned in to softly kiss May on her forehead which made her face become more flushed than what it already was.

May looked at Lisia sympathetically. "Now, we just have..."

Lisia nodded slowly and gave May a weak smile.May reached out her hand and placed it comfortingly over Lisia's. "It's going to be okay. I believe it will. No, I know it will. I got to know Wallace. If my parents were happy with my decision, he'll be sure to be happy with yours. There's no reason why he shouldn't be."


Thanksgiving Day

The week that May and Lisia had their conversation Lisia had felt more reassured from hearing her girl's sweet words of hope.

Of course, it didn't stop Lisia from feeling nervous today but Lisia certainly felt her better than she probably would have if she and May didn't have that conversation.

Thankfully, May was well and recovered so today they wouldn't have any trouble or worry about getting to Sootopolis so they could get to Wallace's place in time for the feast.

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They were able to arrive early in the morning, on time of course, and surprisingly not fashionably late as usual. Lisia's nerves put her in a state that she didn't want to upset her Uncle Wallace in any state or else it might all come crashing down for her. She felt such a strong urge to please him today or else, well, you know.

She couldn't bear to think about it and yet it was the only thing that was on her mind for so long now.

(This chapter is still under editing so be on the lookout for updates or just check up on this every now and then but I needed to update so sorry for an unfinished chapter)

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