Dear, Uncle Wallace

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Dear, Uncle Wallace

I write this letter because I want you to know fully who I am. There is a big part of me that you and I have never discussed. I'm the same niece you've always known and loved but this part of my life we've never discussed — I am gay.

It is important to me that you know the complete me. Yes, I've been gay my entire life. Because of societal pressures and in part due to my Sootopolis roots, I ran from my identity. But finally, I came to terms with who I am. I am out.

I want you to know that I am the happiest that I've ever been. I've been dating someone for a while now. I'm sure you know her. I am no longer lying to myself, my family and my friends.

Uncle Wallace, I don't know how you will react to this letter but just know that I love you very much. It is my hope that my honesty about who I am will help bring us closer.

I am the same niece you've always known and loved — I hope that you'll love me just the same now....

I don't know if this letter will take you by surprise... I'll leave it in your hands now... feel free to call or write me if you want to discuss or ask questions.

I love you very much.

Love, Lisia

In Tribute To National Coming Out Day

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