1: Im friends with a tiger.

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>>> Warning, Boy X Boy if you don't like it, don't god damn read <<<

In my short 16 years of life I've never stepped foot inside the school, which supports all the young anthros in the area, so you could only imagine my discomfort being alone after watching a teary eyed mother drive away with the car roof down and wind blowing through her glossy black hair. In a world with human/animal hybrids you'll have thought that myself being a fox, that I would fit right in amongst the Deers, Rabbits, Wolves etc. But being the last fox in existence provides that my presence did not go unnoticed.

My kind didn't really have a good reputation amongst the other animals, we were thought to be trouble makers, and for that reason we was the population that started an out break of a war, 16 years ago that killed many. I was born, seconds before my biological mother was slaughtered.

For that reason I've been shut away from humanity for many opposed my existence. But the wolf pack took me in as one of their own. I've never really left the estate of 12 large houses and one massive one, I knew everyone but only the higher ups knew me, so I was nervous to say the least.

However, fourtunly (>someone please tell me how to spell that<) I had a accurate sense of direction so I was able to follow the sheet of paper I was holding in my long black nails which displays a map of the entire school. Four floors, nice.

Everything seemed to be flowing nicely, nothing seemed out of place nor did anyone appear overly fussed over my appearance, despite what my mom and dad told me. That war wasn't my fault, how could it be? I didn't even take no part in it. I mean how could I? I was born the day it ended.

I lingered around the front of my first class, Biology, unsure on where abouts it would be best for me to sit. I wasn't particularly fond of the idea of being beat up on my first day by sitting in some lions seat or what not.

"Oi new kid! Come sit next to me!" A small roar like voice startles me, I raise my purple eyes to the back of the class where a girl with a wild display of orange hair with black tips sat, waving at me with a tooth grin displaying her razor sharp canines.

I nod, smiling back at her as I walk over to where she sat. I plop down into the seat beside her. A tiger, her rounded ears makes an appearance at the top of her head, poking out under her mass of hair. Two black stripes are present in either side of her tanned skin.

"You must be the 'wild fox' everyone's talking about. I'm Tabitha, but please call me Tab." She says, jabbing me in the side slightly with one of her white claws.

"Tighe, but call me Ty, aren't you bothered by me?" I ask, poking her back in the cheek.

She leans back in her chair, stretching her arms over her head, and sighs. Students begin to flood in, taking up empty chairs, talking to one another. It's been a month since school started again, so everyone would have their own little groups.

"Nope, I've heard about your kind. But to be frank, you wasn't apart of it, so why should you get the blame?"  She growls slightly, I nod, muttering a thanks.

"Dude, why the hell are you so smart, you've only had four lessons. Every single question you've been asked, or others can't answer you've done it for them!" Tab exclaims, it was summer, plenty warm enough to eat our lunch out on the mass of green and trees which is the school field.

"I was home schooled, I guess my tutor wanted me to know everything."   I shrug, falling into the space next to Luna, who was in fact part of the wolf pack, but like many others, my existence went unknown to her.

I was more than welcome into Tabithas group of friends, and I was more than happy to be. They gave me a chance to ignore all the hate filled glances that are directed my way.

"We've got gym next, wow how I love dodge ball." Nadie whines, her small deer ears flatten down on the back of her head, I snicker.

I've never had the chance to participate in any physical activity against anyone else. So it may be slightly nerve racking to be the only one with no idea on what they are supposed to be doing. Whilst being surrounded by boys with are a lot taller than myself and knows exactly what they are doing.

"You alright Tighe (ty-ghe)? You've gone kinda pale if that's even possible. Oh do you where make up?" June ask, her voice high and sweet sounding. She was a little Robbin after all, her hair feathery brown and two wings on her back.

I cough at the question. "No I do not, I was born with the dark eyes. I'm weird, look at my feet." I sneeze, oh look Someones talking about me somewhere.

I didn't wear shoes, I couldn't find a pair that will comfortably slip over my feet, which unlike others who has normal human feet, mine are black and fox like. I sigh, laying back against the soft green grass, starting up into the blue sky above us. Watching the clouds move silently along. The bell strikes me out of my little day dream, and I follow the girls over to where the changing rooms were.

Being in a swarm of boys my age, and having them change around me, wasn't helping my blushing face. It was also rather difficult not to sneak a peek of the animals around me, to see their toned chests and oh my god look at that wolf! Ashka I think his name was, the son of the Alpha. I quickly advert my eyes back to the floor, rushing ever so quickly to finish into my shorts and burst into the sports hall. My face still blushing red.

"Hey Ty, I got a question? Are you gay?" Tab asks, whispering into my ear, that only caused my blush to intense. "I'm not homophobic it's totally cool if you are." She coos, bouncing on her feet lightly.

So I nod, exposing my sexual preference to a girl I've only just met. But I could trust her, I've got a keen sense for whose trust worthy and whose not. She sticks her rough tounge at the group of girls, as Luna sighs pulling out a box of crackers. I scowl slightly, but in reality I couldn't help but to smile, they better whether I was gay or not over a box of crackers.

"What can I say, my Gaydar is strong." Tabitha smirks, punching me in the shoulder as I make my way over towards them.

"Mhm k."

A Fox And A Wolf (BoyXBoy) Where stories live. Discover now