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"Ashka?" I whisper harshly. My voice seeming louder than intended in the quiet atmosphere of the world around me. "Ashka?" I whisper once again, a nervous feeling starting to enter my system.

I pull myself up onto my aching feet, the world spinning slightly as I did so. I was thirsty too, right now I was aware of the lack of liquid That has gotten into my system today. Plus the fact that we've been constantly on the move. And I wasn't exactly the fittest of animals.

Where was that wolf? I kneel beside the stream of water cupping my hands together and drinking the cold liquid. It trails down my chin and drips onto my clothes. I drank slow, large gulps untill I was fully hydrated. Then I stand up once again, surveying the area. But there wasn't the slightest sign of the boy.

Not wanting to venture out into the dark environment alone, I instead direct myself to the closest bush and survey the contents of it, I had a large amount of knowledge to ensure my safety when in the wilderness. In order to avoid killing myself with poisonous foods. I feast on a few blackcurrants untill the gnawing feeling in my stomach disappears. Only then do I decide to walk closer to the thicker areas, trying to see in the blackness for my partner. But I'm still too scared.

A pair of long, bony fingers grab my shoulders and my first instinct being to bring my arms up under theirs and hit the two vital points where their collar bones were using the side of my hand. however I did not include enough force to break those fragile bones. Then quickly I swivel around the person and in seconds I was sat on the figure, his arm bent behind his back in a painful angle. All this occurred with me being fairly unaware of what I was doing. I let go, staggering backwards.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me. Im sorry" I whimper, cowering backwards. My eyes firmly shut tight so I couldn't see the blow from whoever this person was.

"I'm not going to hurt you, but that was quite a move you did there."

Ashka, his voice echo around me and I open my eyes as his hands are placed gently on my face. He was a whole head taller than myself, his silver hair once In a quiff but now flopped down his face. He leans closer as I look up. But then I break away from his hold and turn away.

"I know what you're gonna do." I whisper my back facing his chest. "You're gonna act like you're about to kiss me, then break away and laugh at the last second. You always do something to hurt me." I say, breaking a little inside, wanting noting more than his arms around me, his lips on mine. But he hates me. With a passion, so I begin to walk away.

My elbow is grabbed, I'm turned around and then I was in Ashkas arms. His muscular build holding my own. My arms were flopped to my side, and Ashkas remain a firm hold on my back, his face buried in my neck. I lift my arms slowly, then bring them around Ashka.

"Why do you make me feel worthless for?" I ask, he squeezes me faintly. I couldn't see his face, or any emotions that he may be showing.

"I didn't want to feel like this, I thought it would make the attraction to you go. But it didn't, I've been a cunt." He whispers back. He pulls away lightly. Just so his face comes close to mine.

This time I didn't pull away as his lips connect to mine.

The kiss lasted a while, untill the growl of both our stomachs snaps us out of it. We are still holding each other and I look up to the beautiful sky above us.

"Where did you go?" I ask.

"To get something to eat. I hope it's still over there where you attacked me..." He trails of pointing to the area where his hands grabbed my shoulders. I blush, feeling slightly embarrassed for that incident. Then he sprints off. Returning with a fat rabbit.

I can eat raw meat, being a wild animal and all. But still, as a person I would like my food cooked, so I dart off to collect pieces of wood.

All the while, thinking about his lips on mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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