4: Nakedness

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"Sometimes, I wish I was a zebra." I breathe out, padding along the concrete path slightly in front of my parents.

The occasional wolf kid, or adult walked past, glancing a brief look in my direction before carrying on with their way. Finally being able to transform has sent a variety mixture of emotions soaring through my body. My fox was there, within myself. I was finally able to feel his presence.

"I was half expecting a fight to break out. But Ashka! How rude of him!" My mother exclaims. Her arm tucked through my fathers. Her ears were flattened at the tips ever so slightly indicating that she was slightly annoyed.

"That reminds me, isn't it in a less than a month? The yearly survival test?" My dad says, I guess he was talking to my mother however as she responds. Also I have no idea what he's talking about.

So he explains it, in basic detail. But I got the idea. No way would I be able to survive for two weeks in a forest. Due to my luck, I'll also be paired up with someone I completely despise. Like Ashka.

"You can't hate Ash?" My fox says, his voice echoing around my head. A weird tingly feeling erupts from within me, so o force it down. Not wanting to know what that feeling meant. "He hates us." I respond, scowling slightly.

Seconds later my snout was pressed against the wooden door. By now I was extremely excited to see what my fox looked like. So I started scratching away at the wood work, receiving a sharp scolding from my father as he unlocks the door.

The first thing I did was run straight up the stairs, bouncing away along the landing and darting quickly into my room. Thankfully however I left my door ajar so I wouldn't have to wait a few minutes circling around doing nothing as I wait impatiently for my parents to jog up the stairs.

I was white. Snowy white fur with occational fleck of black, my paws were white bar one black one and the tip of my tail looked as though I've dipped it in the bag of coal we have laying around outside.

I couldn't transform back to my fox form by the time I left for school the next day, or the day after that. Before I knew it a whole week flew past, and my human form hasn't returned to me no matter how much I've willed it to. Some times, a person gets caught up in their animal form, but the procedure the higher ups go through to reverse that phase was the same for all animals. Although that didn't seem to be the case for me.

School was okay though, each passing day I grew closer towards my small group of friends. Less snarky comments were hauled in my general direction, but as you might have guessed there were still bullies. Mainly for the fact they were highly opposed foxes, I would be too if an entire species declared war and killed many.

It was Friday today. The eighth day I was stuck in my animal form. By now o was worrying that I'll never change back to my normal state.

"Oi Tighe its Friday! Wanna come to the beach with us, we was going to as you last weekend but...?" Tab calls, running towards me. Her wild orange and black hair sticking up in every which way direction. "I mean, its warm today so there might be some half naked boy you could feast your eyes on!" She winks, crouching down to flick my ears.

"Because they are going to pay attention to a fox!" I exclaim, a "smile" tugs faintly on my muzzle. Then a weird feeling rushes over me. A really weird feeling that I've never experienced before, so I was unable to place my finger on what it was. But directly behind Tab, Ashka was walking smiling happily as he chats to two girls basically hanging onto his arms.

I look away as he leans downwards to connect his lips with the literal dog.

Then another feeling washes over me. I could feel the air rush over my skin and I was thankful that the majority of students have already went home, looking forward to the weekend ahead of themselves. But my mother was late.

"Tabitha." I wail. Covering up my man parks with my hands. Although thankful my white fur and small height was gone, I was rather unhappy with the situation I was in. It wasn't helping either that the tiger began to laugh hysterically, drawing the attention from Ashka who only scowls.

She lends me the scarf she had fastened around her neck as I wrapped it round my waist, trying not to look directly as the silver fox only a few meters away who continues to stare. From head to toe I was blushing. Highly resembling a tomato in my embarrassment.

"I think I'm just going to go home..." I breath out. Waiting patiently beside Tab who thankfully was waiting with me before she left. I breath out a sigh of relieve hearing the familiar honk of my mothers car.

(Ashkas POV)
The day after the meeting Tighe bounced into school on all fours. Providing the school with shock upon seeing the wild fox in his form. I wanted nothing more than to kick his tiny body into the wall. However my wolf didn't like that at all.

Instead he's been rather quiet, giving the occational purr to remind me that he is still there. Like I'll ever forget that.

Glassy and lassy the dog twins were walking with me home day I was hopingto.. well... you know. The familiar anger from my wolf rushes over me as I brush the blonde hair away from each dogs eyes. Then I saw Tighe, standing beside that tiger girl with the crazy hair. For eight days now he's been stick in the body of his fox, his one black paw standing out amongst the rest. For a brief second his purple eyes lock with my own, so I reach down and kiss Lassy square on the mouth, he looks away as do I.

When I turn to his direction once again, I couldn't look away. Stark naked in the middle of the school parking ground was my ma- was Tighe. Frantically trying to pull a brightly coloured scarf around his waist. For a second we make ye contact, which was highly awkward given the situation, but I scowled. Feeling rather annoyed for no reason whatsoever.

The honking of his mother's car snaps me out of my stare, I peeled my eyes of the blushing boy in front of me, proceeding  to draw my attention to the twins stuck to my side, both of whom were looking up at me pleadingly. That reminds me, they run a Chinese restaurant along with their mother and father, offering to get dinner with me.. yum.

(Tighe POV)
"Mother!" I cry out, as she continues to laugh. I was half expecting us to
crash due to the main fact she wasn't paying attention to the road at all because she was in hysterics.

"Let's go get take out, your father is busy wiiith work." She cried out between laughs. I had no say in the matter as she pulls outside the familiar Chinese restaurant we've been to on several occasions.

"If you haven't noticed. I've got a scarf wrapped round my bits!" I exclaim, refusing to budge. She sniggers once again, reaching into the back seats tossing me the largest hoodie I own and a pair of short shorts and tmnt boxers. I glare at my moms back as she turns around. I change quickly, horribly aware that it looks like I'm wearing nothing underneath the jumper. But it was better than nothing. My feet were still not human, so no shoes were needed.

The familiar smell of food washes over me as I leap out the car. Trailing after my mom as she enters the Chinese place. Automatically my eyes follow over to the counter where usually the two dog twins were standing managing the bar, handing out drinks and fortune Cookies, we became good friends over time, they even sat with us to eat occationly. But they weren't there today.

Instead they were waving at me from the back of the room calling out my name as my mother was ordering our food. Lassie and glassy were sat in front of another figure, however I automatically knew who that was from the silver ears atop their head.

"Sie  and glass its been a while!" I say, walking up towards the twins. The dochebag ignores my presence as we chat for a minute. I knew they were sluts but I'll never have thought they'd go for him.

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