3: Fox Change.

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(Ashkas Pov)

The sight of this vile creature in front of me caused quite a low growl to escape my mouth. Within seconds my lips pulled back slightly into a snarl. My wolf teeth showing. How could they let a disgusting animal like that enter our pack, even if it was just for a meeting? Speaking of that, why was he even here for a meeting anyways? I could feel hatred emitting off at least almost half of our pack. Ill be surprised if they didn't start a ruckus.

"Ashka Rice!" The sound of my fathers harsh snap takes me away from my thoughts. My growl cut off a second later, but that wasn't because of my father.

"Stop. Stop growling at me like that!" Tighe cries out, it was that voice that eased my growling with affectively came to a halt and had me staring directly ahead, slightly to the left of the wild fox. He looked hurt, almost as if he was about to burst into tears. Good, that faggot could cry all he wants, for I wouldn't even care. Not in the slightest.

"liar" The voice in my head snaps, my wolf.

I ignore it.

instead diverting my full attention onto the wolfs in front of me. Their different coloured ears twitching slightly. I presume, just like myself, they were starting to get annoyed. Eger to hear what my father, who is the alpha, has to say. I mean, it isn't very often that the WHOLE pack gets called into a meeting. The first few minutes to every meeting my father gives a speech, who we are, what we do, yadayadayada. However as per usual, non of that sparks my interests so I start thinking about school.

I almost snickered aloud when remembering the look on the foxes face only seconds before the ball plummeted into his face. Instead I smiled. That fox, the only emotions I feel around him are those of pure hatred, I guess you could say it was hate at first sight. Or more like hate at first smell, I smelt that vile stench of the fox before I even entered the room.

But again on the dodge ball topic, after the watery liquid started leaking out his sharp little nose, I couldn't help but to feel guilty in a way.

"Stop it, You're hurting him..." My wolf growls, I widen my eyes, feeling his anger within myself. It was pure red, his anger like fire. Which pretty much confused me, any other time I thought bout someone like this, he would never react like that.



"Tighe Black, adopted son of Connie Black and Vincent Black has been apart of our pack since the day he was found. You must be confused as to how a fox managed to remain undetected? Connie and Vincent left the county until only a few years ago. Since then, with help of the medicals and the higher ups, we proceeded with making his scent temporary removed and avoid little contact with the outside world unless it was to go out of town." Once again my thoughts were sapped away by the sound of my fathers voice. This time however, left me gawking at the fox with a half open mouth.

(Tighes Pov)
Me and my parents wasn't in the room for any longer than two minutes before the son of the Alpha started emmiting a horrible noise from the back of his throat. By now, the whole room was silent, the noise contributing for a few moments. It hurt me, I wasn't quite sure why, but the deadly growls filled of hatred seamed to upset me.

"Ashka Rice!" Kira snaps. The alphas voice was firm in many ways, not to mention it was rather frightening. I knew however, the boy wouldn't stop his continuous snarls.

" Stop. Stop growling at me like that!" I cried out, it was upsetting me. The hatred he felt towards me pained me. I didn't want to be disliked by him, to be viewed as noting but a mangy mongrel to him.

To my shock, and I presume his mothers due to the gasp, his silvery ears flatten tightly against his head. His growls stopped entirely. His grey orbs were wide open, staring slightly to the left of me. I turn around, expecting something to be there, something that he's staring so intensely at. But nothing seamed out of the ordinary. So I guess he's just surveying the mass of pointed, coloured ears behind myself.

I couldn't focus entirely on what the Alpha was saying. Random phrases stuck out to me though. "Family" "bonds" "loyalty" the small things just like that. But I was fully tuned into the last paragraph in which he spoke. Loudly and clearly with the sense of authority you should expect from the reader, the boss. That's when I noticed Ashkas eyes fixated on me, various emotions washing over his face. Which made it impossible to tell what he was feeling the strongest. He wasn't growling at me, instead his mouth hung slightly open.

"Now Tighe Black, I suppose that you still need to go through the changing. So I declare this meeting over!" The Alpha yells, sending the crowd into a fit of mumbles and whispers. Although they quickly piled outside the large house, leaving me alone with the Rice family, my family and a few of the other higher ups. The same red fur ears as Lunar, and looking quite like her.

Ashka was still staring at me. Eben when the red haired woman began doing what ever the hell she was doing with my body, I'm guessing removing the rest of whatever was blocking my smell. Ashka twitches slightly, his eyes still fixated on me. I could feel his gaze as I turn around to the Alpha.

I didn't know what to do.

I opened my mouth, ready to ask questions on how exactly do I morph into my fox. But nothing came out other than a small whimper. Which I imedently face palmed myself for. But then I felt a slight feeling that I've never felt before in my entire life. I don't know entirely how to explain the changing, but you would know if you ever had to go through with it.

"Mate?" The fox asks from within myself as I quickly glance over to Ashka. I quickly break away the awkward eye contact. "No, he's a bully." I reply. I couldn't see my body other than my front legs if I look down. It was like I was wearing black socks.

"You may turn back now sweetie, that was easy wasn't it?" The Alpha female asks. I shake my head.

Focusing entirely on getting my human body back, but after 20 minutes of thourogh encouragement. It was quite easy to see that this probably was my side affect, for nothing seemed to be wrong. Other than the fact I couldn't change back. For how long this will last, nobody knows.

A Fox And A Wolf (BoyXBoy) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن