5; skinny shaming

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Skinny shaming. Honestly some people dont know this exists. If you dont  think its a real thing ur wrong. It is. It gets me so mad when people tell me "your so skinny you got no meat on your bones, gain some weight girl,  guys dont like bones. " like rlly? What if someone said "your so fat you needa loose some weight,  guys  like skinny girls " they're  both equally hurtful. At least to me they are. I grew up vety skinny my whole life. Yes, i eat. No, im not anorexic. I dont even know what else to say. When peoplw say im "too skinny" i believe them. Im so insecure because of my body.  Everyone likes thick girls :/ and im not thick, im bones. When people say hurtful shit about my body i just laugh with them. Like it sucks knowing that i cant say im hurt because someone called me "very skinny" and when i do, everyone laughs. "You have it easy! You're  skinny so why are you complaining " GIRL BYE. no one has it easy. SKINNY SHAMING IS A REAL THING.

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