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Ah yes, the thing all girls hate most.


Ive been wanting to rant about this sense the day blood came out ofmy baginer. And i rant about this all the time to my friends so.

I DONT GET Y GIRLS WHO HAVE NORMAL PERIODS (in normal i mean; normal blood flow, period last 3 days and cramps r bearable) COMPLAIN ABOUT IT. GIRL U GOT NOTHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT. TRY BEING IN MY PLACE AND U WILL DIE.

Im so jelly of girls who have normal periods. Y cant i have a normal period. My fucking thing last 5-7 fucking days BUT WAIT, THERES MORE. to top it off,  my blood flow is heavy as fuck and can soak up a "8 hour protection" pad in less the two hours. I change pads more then 5 times throughout the day. Ur probably asking urself "then y the fuck  doesnt she wear tampons?" Um i dont want somwthing shoved up my vj all day. But thx, ill pass.

And then cramps. Those get pretty bad. Im not gonna go into detail.

Lets just say my period decided to be the worst one out  there. I CANT EVEN SLEEP OKAY. FOR A WHOLE WEEK I HAVE TO SLEEP ON MY STOMACH. AND THAT MAKES MY 8 YEAR OLD TITTIES HURT BCUZ PERIODS MAKE MY GIRLIES HURT. o god i wanna die.
So if u dont have a period like mine and urs is normal and bearable, plz dont complain :) bye.

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