58; make up

21 4 1

Alright,  guys, lets get this straight. I do not wear make up to impress people. Nor to feel pretty or better about  myself. Bitch i wear it becaude I LIKE IT. IT GETS ME MAD WHEN PEOPLE SAY SHit LIKE THAT. FUCK YOU.

This one guy at my school , lets call him antelope because his name starts with A. Anyways, i wad chillin yanoo minding my own buisness and being cute or wateva and i forgot wat happend lol and he was all like "why do you wear makeup" BITCH IM SHAHHSJS. AND I WAS ALL LIKE, BECAUSE I LIKE IT. and  he was all like "i bet you were it to feel pretty" I THINK THE FUCK NOT U TRICK ASS BITCH.

i had a rlly serious talk with his dumbass.  I TOLD HIM I DOnt WEAR MAKE UP TO IMPRESS U UGLY ASS BOYS. i do it because i like it :)  bye kys

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