66; tmi tag

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Hi i was inspired by @bbadlandss so im gonna do it :)

1. What r u wearing? A yellow shirt with pajama pants

2. Ever been in love? Lol i dont think so?

3. Ever had a terrible brakeup? Hah ive never dated anyone.

4. How tall r u? 5'2 AND A HALF. THE HALF IS IMPORTANT

5. How much do u weigh? 89 pounds ? Idk i litteraly only gain half a pound every two months and i eat a lot

6. Any tattoos?  Nope

7. Any piercings? Nah, i wanna get a nose ring tho

8. OTP? Stevina (me and steven ;;) )

9. Fav show?  Dont have one, but i rlly like ghost adventures and im getting pretty atached with the show narcos. Gr8 show.

10. Fav bands? I dont listen to bands,  but  i like the guys from  5sos AND CALUM IS VEHSHSJSJ wow.

11. Something you miss? Hannah Montana , that show was the SHiT

12. Fav songs? Cherry top by lilcloud (aka my bf), deepthroat by cupcakke ;) and idk theres alot

13. How old are you? 14

14. Zodiac sign? Cancer

15. Quality you look for in partner? Trust, communication

16. Fav quote? "Make america dank again" (not a trump supporter!! Im a meme supporter)

17. Fav actor? Dont have one

18. Fav color? Black

19. Loud or soft music? Depends wat kind of music it is

20. Where do u go when ur sad? Outside.

21. How long does it take for you to shower? About 40+ mins

22. How long does it take for u toget ready in the morning? If i do my eyeliner, getting ready takes an hoir, if i dont do eyeliner  i get ready in like 20 mins (while taking my time)

23. Every been in a physical fight? Do my sibilings count? Oh and some giy that lives by me.


25. Turn off? Insults my memes, is lazy af, isnt fun or active.

26. The reason  i joined wattpad? I didnt know wat wattpad was lol , i didnt know it was a place to write books, anywyas i just wanted to read a john green book and i was like ohh a reading app! And then fanfics happend.

27. Fears? Spiders, clowns, not  being good enough and staying single forever.

28. Last thing that made u cry? My family :/

29. Last time u said you loved someone ? Idk like 2 days ago?

30. Meaning behind you wattpad name? I want people to know Steven fucked me.

31. Last book you read? can i include wattpad books? If so, i read a rant book

32. The book you're currently  reading? Alot of rant books and 5sos fanfics

33. Last show you watched? La banda

34. Last person u talked to?

35. Relationship between you and  last person u texted? Friends.

36. Fav food? Spaghetti,  pasta, rice, posole ,tacos and the list goes on

37. Place you want to visit? Cali bcuz steven lives there yo

38. Last place you were? Home, in my cozy bed.

39. Do you have a crush? Yeah ;))

40. Last time you kissed someone? Never.

41. Last time you where insulted? Last night

42. Fav flavor of sweets?  I dont rlly eat sweats.

43. What instuments do u play? None. Im a boring hoe.

44. Fav piece of jewelry?  My best friend necklace that had a moon on it, shout out to sandra

45. Last sport you played? Skateboarding

46. Last song you  sang? Deepthroat 💀

47. Fav chat up line? Dont have one

48. Have you ever used it? ^^^

49. Last time you hung out with anyone? Im thinking of friends so, friday.

50. Who should answer these questions next? Anyone reading  this
And has a rant book or a random book I TAG U.

This was fun lol bye

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