99; i dieded

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Hello my children, i have returned and i have some tea

grab ur cup of tea because thats wat all my 5 readers want to read.

Ok so i recently started texting my crush and we text everyday 24/7 but we dont talk in person idk im very shy bu he said next time he sees me he'll say hi . Anyways so i have this friend and she has his snapchat and she knows i like him. A lot. And, idk lets call her, katy. ANYWAYS KATY ALWAYS TEXTS HIM AND TRIES TO FLIRT WITH HIM BUT HE NEVER FLIRTS BACK BAHAHAH BUT ERG IT GETS ME MAD , LIKE U KNOW I LIKE HIM ALOT, PLZ STOP. H E IS MINE. (he has a gf :') )  yeaj im mad.

Ok Ok my dad is coming on thursday and im so happy because i havbt seen him in 3 months AND I MISS HIM SO MUCH, I MISS HIS FOOD, HIS LAME JOKES JSBEHJW I MISS MY DAD I MISS HIS PRESENCE , yeah as u can see i love my dad alot.

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