32; for those who don't love themselves

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today a few people got annoyed with me today because i said how i loved myself alot. i dont understand why they got mad? i told them to love themselves too and they rolled their eyes at me.

 Im sorry you dont love yourself. i wish i could help you love yourself. i hate when people say they hate themselves. i know its hard to love yourself and be confident. i used to be so insecure in elementary and in middle school. Everyday i would look in the mirror and point out eVERY  imperfection, there wasnt one thing i liked about myself. All i ever thought about was how i was too skinny, too pale, ugly teeth, bony hips, no ass, no boobs, no curves, pimples all over my nose, annoying voice, weird feet, frizzy hair, no eyebrow hair, ect. i still think about these things everyday. But i still love myself.  

in 8th grade i started to fake my confidence. i would always say how much i liked myself and how pretty i was. I lied to myself and to everyone. i made everyone believe i was a confident girl. But i wasnt. this went one for a good few months. and this summer, i started to actually love self. I realized so much shit, yeah im not the prettiest girl at school but i still think im pretty. i love myself, and you should too. FAKE YOUR CONFIDENCE TILL IT ACTUALLY COMES. IT. WILL. COME. TAKE COMPLIMENTS FROM EVERYONE. DONT DISAGREE WITH THEM WHEN THEY COMPLIMENT YOU. TAKE THE COMPLIMENT, SAY THANK YOU. YOUR'RE A BAD BITCH AND YOU'RE CUTE AF, WHO CARES WHAT ANOTHER PEOPLE THINK, AS LONG AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF. please take my advice. its important to love yourself <3

i love each and one of you reading this. 

- paulina 


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