116; why?

27 5 4

Ive been wanting to write about this but i dont know if its to personal, but i need to let it out.

My sister is a fucking bitch. She treats me like trash. She treats my mom like crap. I dont know what the fuck is wrong with her shes just such a sick human being. She literally makes my mom cry and shes always so rude to my mom. My mom cant even give her a simple hug because my sister pushes her and tells her not to touch her. The sad parr is, that mom does nothing to her, to make her act like this. My mom is a good parent, she makes food, takes us to school, and yes this fucking bitch i call my sister still has the nerve to treat her like this. My mom tries to be nice but my sister is always such a butch towarfs her, no matter what. Always. Its so sickening how a person can treat anoother person so badly. That women is her fucking mother. What the fuck is wrong with her?

Yesturday she told my mom she didnt need anything from her. Are you fucking serious? If it wasnt for my mom she wouldn't have a house, food, a ride to school or work.  SHES SO DUMB it makes me so sad,  everyday. My mom is always sad too. My mom is such a great person and shes a nice person regardless all the things shes said to me. I love her so much and i would never treat her so badly.  But after all the good things my mom had done for my sister, she still acts bad towards her. How can someone be so mean? Yesterday i gave my mom such a big hug and i told her im never gonna treat her like that.

And then theres me..

She treats me like complete shit. Everyday i have to put up with her rude comments. Everyday my self esteem lowers a little bit because of her. You guys dont know how bad i wanna slap her. I try so hard to be nice to her, but again, like with my mom, shes always mean to me. Its not normal. Its not the normal sister fight. No. Tgis is real Shit. Ive never had a real sister. Fuck i dont even consider that girl my sister. When people ask if thats my sister, i say no, i mean thats what she wants anyways, when people ask if im her sister she says im her neighbor.

Tgis girl is setting a great example to me and my little sister, of what we should not act like. Im slowly turning into a nicer person because of her, i dont wanna be like the person she is.

I hate her so much. Because of her, ive thought about hurting myself.

I hope one day something really bad happens to me because of her. Thats when she'll realise all the sshit she had done. You dont realise what you have til its gone. And once my mom isnt here anymore shell fucking realise how dumb she was and how stupid she acted towards my mom.
I feel so bad for my mom, i really wish i could help her, fuck i wish i could help my sister. We've tried therapy... nothing works.

I miss the old her. What went wrong? Its like someone replaced her with someone completely different. She used to be such a good sister. I dont know. I miss her. I want the old her back. Please come back. Id do anything to have her old self again. God when did things get so fucked up? When did this family go down hill? What happened to us? Oh yeah, she happened.

I just wanna take a brake from wattpad. Sorry i just hav so
much shit going on rn , i wont be gone for to long, probably a week, i dunno. Please leave nice comments, i like reading ur comments :')

O and one more thing before i go. Pls read my story ideas book :) thank u. Love all my 5 readers


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