Chapter 2!!!

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Dear Diary,
My next challenge is a new high school. But not any type of high school but the high school that has my family history involved. Yes, it's not a good history. My family and the Akabane family has been enemies for years and my father has been training me for the day of high school.

The male in am family are highly trained assassins and because am my father's only child I was the one that has to hold my family history battle. The truth is I don't know the history between the Akabane and mine is and when I want to ask my dad his always busy.

My old friend is involved in this too. She'll be helping me out in this, so I don't blow my cover. So that the Akabane boy wouldn't find out what I'm doing. Well, about the Akabane boy Yuri told me that he is red headed and the truth is she has things with red headed boys. How cute.

Well ,anyway this is going to be interesting.

Your P.O.V
I'm finally ready for school. So I quickly went downstairs to meet my parents. But as expected they weren't there. So maybe they went to work. My parents are very busy. So it feels like I'm living inside a big house by myself.

I went over the window to see if Yuri was there and I could see her driver at the gate. I quickly got my stuff together and went off. "Good morning. Miss(L/N)" "Good morning." He opened the door to the car and I got in.

"(Y/N), long time no see!
"Yeah. So um today we need to find the Akabane boy right and hopefully I'll be in the same class as him."
"Hope I'm in the same class as you. Plus you never know there might be a boy in the class who will full for me."
"Yeah yeah, boys are... You know, I don't want to talk about it."

Anytime Yuri talks about boys it just reminds me of Nagisa. Things happened Nagisa left. I didn't even tell Yuri about it.

~~Flash back~~

"O it's Nagisa!" I got a message from him and I was thinking of leaving it. But I don't.

[Phone view]

Nagisa: Is it possible if you could come outside.

You: Why?

Nagisa: I have something to tell you.

You: Um ok. Where are you?

Nagisa: In front of your gate.

[Phone view out]

I put on my shoes  and went running to the gate. I could see Nagisa at the other side of the gate on his phone. "Nagisa!" I opened the gates and hugged him straight way. He hugged me back for some long seconds.
"(y/n) I-
"I'm glad you're here because I was planning that we -" Nagisa places his finger on my lip. He hugged me tighter and whispers something in my hear. Tears start falling on my cheeks. I cover my eyes with his shoulder. He told me why.

I hold my feelings and wiped my eyes. I break out of the hug. " I understand." I gave him a smile. "Friends"
"Always." We shook hands on it. So that was new year for me in the cold night.

~~Flash back end~~

"We're here!" said Yuri. "Hey, look your cousin." I could see him standing in one side of the school gate and on the other side was a brown headed girl, who wore red glasses. They both held papers which they gave to the new students. I walked over to my

''Welcome (y/n), your class will be found on the paper. O, and can you meet me at the head office.''
''Ok.'' Yuri had already went through the gate.

My cousin's name is Hinto, he's one of the youngest but one of the smartest, highly trained assassin in the family. Out of the whole school he has the highest grades, which made him classified to become head boy. He's also popular with the girls because of his white hair and red eyes. At school I think he is a complete different person when at home because:

~~Flash back~~

Hinto: "You're so weak, if you want to stay third best in the family you have to stop crying every time a lesson is done!"
Me: :3
Hinto: Man, why do you even go to camp you're so bad at it. The only reason you're third is because, your face is so ugly it kills them when they look at you.
Me: (How did buying something in the store come to this) :3
Hinto: ARE YOU LISTENING!! (shouting at my face)
Girl: Um, Hinto. Hi, um, I don't think you remember me but I'm (???). I'm the girl That confessed to you last week.
Hinto: Yeah, I remember. (Translation: OF COURSE, I REMEMBER IT WAS LAST WEEK!!)
Girl: So I was thinking that we could be friends. Um, we can give each other our numbers.
Hinto: Sorry, I lost my phone. (Translation: I don't want your stupid number.)
Girl: O-ok, when you find your phone tell me. Hope you enjoy your date with your girlfriend. Hinto: Yeah. (Translation: She is not my GIRLFRIEND)
Me: ..... ?!?!?
Hinto: Shut up, hold my hand and walk. (Whisper)

~~Flash back end~~

If I see her I'm going to freak out!! (A/N: Back to the real story!) "Yuri what class are you in?" "Lets see, I'm in class 3-E." I laughed. "What's so funny! I know am in the lowest class."
"That's not why am laughing. It just that father said that Kunugigaoka Junior High School if you were in 3-E. One: Your class will be among some forests and you will be in the group that had to assassin some yellow octopus. Two: Lowest class in the whole school."

"Yeah yeah, but gladly we're not. So what class are you in?" she asked. While we were talking we were walking to class. "This one." I pointed at the sign that said 3-C. 
"Well see you." I stood in front of the door and place my hand on the handle to open it.

A/N: Sorry about the mistakes (0///0). I can't believe I've written 1038 words in this chapter. ;-)

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