Chapter 9!!!

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Karma POV

She won't tell me. All she said is that it's happening again that she wants to go home. But I can't allow it. I can't let her go.

I don't understand.

What's happening? Is she sick? She had a cold yesterday. Could it be that? (y/n) don't let me worry. (y/n) covers her head with her hud. We were in the cafe that (y/n) had requested.

"Are you okay? Do you feel sick," asked Noriko. She moves in closer to (y/n) and places her hand on (y/n) forehead. "Karma was she sick yesterday cause she still has it."

(y/n) slowly moves Noriko's hand off her head. She stood up from her space says thank you and walks out of the cafe.

We stared at each other in silence. I got up and was about to run towards (y/n). However,  when I  was about to leave Noriko grabbed my arm and shook her head. I  sat down waiting for her role to give me a reason as to why she stopped me.

"Karma, she shouldn't have followed us. She's a bit left and I'm sorry but she isn't fitting in with us." Noriko looked towards Nagisa, who was staring out off the window. It was raining.

I sighed.

"Jade is right. We've been talking about things that she has no idea what they are about. It's  best for her to go home."

He looked at me with eyes screaming 'what'.

"What happened? Why was she crying?"

There was a long silence again. I didn't want to force him but I just really wanted to know.

What happened?

I put my head down on the table, recalling the face (y/n) gave me. A face that felt hurt. Like a slave being told he/she is free but it was a lie. Like she had seen a ghost from the past. I wanted to cry with her.

I put my head off the table.

"Nagisa," I murmured.

I looked up, took a deep breath and sighed, even more, pushing my hair back. I looked at him and then looked away. I got tired of waiting. Tired of being a nuisance. (y/n) has to be safe.

"I don't know, okay!"
"You were there weren't you?"
"Karma, it's not a big deal. Plus, why are you worrying? What? Is she your girlfriend?!"
"Oh, I get it she's your ex!"

That triggered me. I got up pulled Nagisa's collar close to my face. People started to watch from inside and outside the cafe.

"Karma are you nuts! Let go!" Noriko tries to help Nagisa but I kicked her in the stomach.
"Stop trying to play with me or I will dame right kill you!"

Everyone gasps and Nagisa expression was full of shock. He sighed and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Okay, I kissed her."

I let go of his collar and pushed myself back on the chair. People began to whisper, while Nagisa was helping Noriko up to leave. The staffs told the people outside to leave on less they were ordering something. 

~Time skip~

I said sorry to the staffs and led myself out of the café. It was raining and my head was soaked. It was hard to see but when I could I was in the park. I ran towards the shed and sat on the bench. I looked around and there wasn't anyone else in the park. Just trees and ponds. I felt bad not because I was wet but because I made myself look like a fool and I regretted it so much.


I small voice was calling my name and I looked up to where it was coming from.

The girl I wanted to see. She smiled at me and placed her book in her bag. She walked towards me and sat next to me.

"Here," She gave me her handkerchief and I said thank you. "I had time to go back home and change my clothes. It got soaked so I put it with the washing. I'll give it back to you on Monday." I smiled back.

We watched the rain fall and I laughed. 

"What's funny?" she asked.
"(y/n), you look better with your hair down. I like it."
"Really, thank you. You look cute with wet hair."

(y/n) laughed and I laughed back.

"I know what happened."
"Okay. Ah! Thank  you for reminding me. I bought some cake."

(y/n) brought out a cake box out from her bag. She opened it and there was a purple one and a red one. I could guess what the red one is but not the purple one.

"(y/n) what kind of cake is the purple one?"
"That's a Ube Macapuno Cake. It's a  Filipino Purple Yam Cake. Well, I think it is."
"It's one of my favourite cake. The first I tried it was at my cousin's birthday party. You can have that one if you like and I'll have the red one."

She gave me the cake and we started eating it. I had finished mine and (y/n) placed her leftovers back in the box. She smiled at me again as if she was waiting or preparing herself for something. It's odd. Two hours ago she was crying and somewhere about an hour ago she was angry. Why all of a sudden she's bright as an angel?

"Karma, it's cool you know because it's a bad idea to keep it to myself. Especially, when I know that you would do anything to help me and I think it's best to have someone who cares about me to know. I want us to be close friends right now. Nothing more, okay?"

I looked at her with a small smile and nodded my head.

"Can I at least give you my final kiss?"

She closed her eyes and I leaned in to kiss her.

Nagisa! She's mine!

A/n: Thank you guys so much for still supporting me and it would be great if you can give me some advice on how I can improve the story. Please tell me on comments or on my profile.

Karma is waiting for you in the next chapter!! (0//0)

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