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Do ya'll still even remember me? 😂

Be honest, do you remember these characters or what's going on?? It's okay if you don't, I won't blame you.

I recently opened this story back up to one shots just because I missed the characters so much. And truly, I think about them all the time, I just don't presently set out enough time to write😪

But I got time on my hands and I'm full of inspiration to write. Funny thing is, I just finished reading Jane Eyre for school (which starts in three days, ew) and the plot is soo similar to mine lol. Meaning, the main characters, who fall in love, have a distinct age difference. It made me think cuz my age gap was larger than the one in the book 😂 Anyway, it's all good. I'm just gonna freestyle a scene I see in my head and you all can tell me what you think of it. Thanks❤️


Hold me. You're not like her. You're much warmer. Stay longer. Make me complete. I'll find my future in these sheets. But I'll still be the same. I'll hide beneath my pain. But I'll be fine. As long as you hold me. Hold me here. Hold me different. Help me and breath me. Make me see. The things I've been blind to. As long as you stay. You can grow old with me. Just promise you'll hold me.

April closed the book. It was Abel's journal. The entry sent a pang of worry to her heart. The words were beautiful but they were just so...sad. Maybe something was the matter with him, she thought. She worried that maybe she wasn't pleasing him enough. Or maybe something else was wrong. He had written about a previous woman before, maybe he was still heartbroken over her. 

Either way, April took the journal and set out to find her husband. 

"Abel," she called, walking down to his study. "Abel," she called again.

It wasn't until she was in the room that her call woke him from distraction. 

"Abel, my dear, look at me," she said. 

His head sprang to attention as he noticed the newcomer in the room. He immediately dropped his pen onto the papers he had been studying and stood to embrace April.

"I'm so sorry, my love, did you call for me? I fear I was much too engaged to take notice of my surroundings. Please, my angel, forgive-" 

"Abel," she silenced his lips with her dainty fingers. "Calm down," she said. 

He took a deep breath and nodded, looking expectantly at her with his deep grey eyes. 

"Your eyes are glowing," she admired, memorized by them.

"They're merely reflecting the rays of my angel," he countered. 

She smiled. He drew her closer. They kissed. 

"Now, what brings you here, my darling. Is everything alright?" He said once they had separated. 

April looked down, suddenly unsure. Maybe she shouldn't have gone through his personal belongings. He noticed her change of expression and lifted her chin, matching her gaze to his own. 

"What's the matter?" He asked. 

"I found this," she said. And with a sigh she drew the journal from behind her back. 

"Is this my..." He inspected it.  

"Your personal journal, yes, I know. And I'm sorry for invading your privacy, I just..."

"You just what." 

"I just want you to be happy."

"Why would you ever think I was not?" 

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