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brother dearest judesister dearest mary jane

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brother dearest jude
sister dearest mary jane

brother dearest
yo imma be around
to pick you up around
like seven

sister dearest
cool cool. wanna get
mcdonalds on the way

brother dearest
ummm,,,, of course
i do

brother dearest
mcdonalds is my first
love before everything

sister dearest
even me???

brother dearest
especially you

sister dearest

brother dearest
like you expect me to
love you the most
when every convo
we have involves you
roasting me for half
of it

sister dearest
u right u right

brother dearest
im always right

sister dearest
ew your watsonness
is really showing

brother dearest
well i mean,,, i am one

sister dearest

brother dearest
you're acting like you
dont do the same thing

sister dearest
okay but my am i
right or am i right
thing is kinda on the dl
unless it's with you
or the fam

brother dearest
sometimes you're worse
than aunt colleen
with it

sister dearest
you take that back!!

brother dearest

sister dearest
you're dead to me

brother dearest
alright imma pick up
kat tomorrow around
seven and we'll get
mcdonalds and go
to the premier ourselves

sister dearest
jude don't do that!!!

brother dearest
then be nice to me.
im your big brother
after all

sister dearest
yeah a big pain in
my ass

brother dearest
ew never say that again

brother dearest
and never on the red
carpet bc then they'll
think we're together
and do anal

sister dearest

sister dearest
but also that reminds
me sawyer called
us incesties before

brother dearest

sister dearest
yeah i don't know
either but i just
wanted you to see that
with your eyes and
go through the same
pain i did when she
sent that in the gc

brother dearest
you have a gc without

sister dearest
um,, duh

sister dearest
don't act like you don't
have plenty of gc with
your cast that im not

brother dearest
yeah but this is with
brooklyn and sawyer
and im not included!!

sister dearest
stop acting like a
baby jude

brother dearest
nah im just messing
with you

sister dearest
whatever. what premier
are we going to anyway
bc sawyer and brooklyn
seem to think you
would have the audacity
to take me to the far
from home premier but
ofc i defended my
great older brother
and told them that he
would never DARE
to take me there

sister dearest
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sister dearest
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sister dearest
omg jude tell me
you're joking and
that we're not
actually going there
( read )

sister dearest
( read )

Mary Jane ━ Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now