𝟏𝟏. Groupchat

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lance sweets brooklyn
cal lightman sawyer
og hoe mary jane

og hoe
tom is so fucking
annoying sometimes
you know???

lance sweets

lance sweets
im sorry what?

lance sweets
tom as in tom
fucking Holland the
movie start that
you claim to hate
as much as spiders?

og hoe
spiders are sATAN

lance sweets
obviously but

lance sweets
that doesn't answer
my question

og hoe
oh yeah lol

cal lightman
um this is not
'oh yeah lol'

og hoe
i think it is

og hoe
but yeah like i
had to let onto
him for tweeting
at me because
now all his young
fans are attacking me
but also think that
im one of them

og hoe
it's weird and i hate
it so much like i am
NOT one of them and
i never will

cal lightman
yeah yeah whatever

cal lightman
we don't care about
the teenager thing

og hoe
well I do cause it
is VERY annoying
thank you very much

lance sweets
get back to the whole
tom thing now pls

og hoe
I was talking about that
before sawyer was just
so incredibly rude to me

cal lightman
stop looking for an
apology because im
not giving one

og hoe
ugh whatever loser

og hoe
but like we starting
talking after and
sometimes he's all
cool but then he does
something so not
cool and I hate it

lance sweets
omg our little mj
is starting to like
tom holland!!!!

cal lightman
I know this is so

og hoe
what? I don't like
tom AT ALL he's
annoying and
self-centered and i
hate him

lance sweets
yeah sure whatever

lance sweets
you said that he
was interesting

og hoe
I think anyone can
be interesting

cal lightman
even Voldemort?

og hoe
yeah sure

og hoe
like how did he found
out about his dad and
mom and everything?
how did he come up
with the name Voldemort?

og hoe
there are a lot of
questions I could
ask him

lance sweets
ugh you're not fun

og hoe
excuse you I think
im a lot of fun

cal lightman
you thought wrong

og hoe
why am I being
attacked here???

lance sweets
because you deserve
it obviously

og hoe
that's slander!!!

cal lightman
wtf no???

og hoe
you guys aren't any
fun either so ha

lance sweets

lance sweets
but like,,, do you
think you'll keep
talking to tom???

lance sweets
I mean,, you did
say he was interesting

og hoe
idk maybe if he
texts me first

og hoe
like, im defs not
gonna start a chat
with him but im
not rude enough to
not reply

og hoe
im rude enough to
reply rudely tho
so like...

og hoe
idk which is better

cal lightman
replying that way
the person knows how
you feel about them
clearly and then they
don't have to stay up
at night thinking about

lance sweets
sawyer are you okay?

cal lightman
fine I just wish that
jared would fucking
talk to me instead of
ignoring me but
it's whatever ig

og hoe
it's not whatever
jared is a dick if he
doesn't wanna talk
to you. you're

cal lightman
awe thanks guys

lance sweets
don't mention it

og hoe
you're our lovely
and we love you

cal lightman

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