Massive Crush

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There's another. Scott's brain prompted him to look up and see if his conscious mind could figure out what exactly his subconscious was fixating on. Something was clearly different, but he couldn't place it. To him it looked like the same old school, same old people, same old teachers. And another. Frowning at himself he dropped his eyes back to his book, trying to ignore the itch in the back of his mind.

Scott was pleased with himself for continuing his reading regime even after the holidays and was particularly enjoying the Alice Walker book he was currently holding. Apparently there was a film of it with Oprah Winfrey in it, but he wanted to read the book first. His concentration was completely shattered however when Derek's car roared up to the school steps.

Scott smiled as he saw Stiles in the passenger seat and waved. He got a quick wave back before his best friend turned back to Derek and leaned in for a kiss. Scott was really happy they'd come to realise their feelings for each other and had never seen either so full of joy. Blinking at how long this goodbye kiss seemed to be taking, Scott grinned wider.

Eventually Stiles emerged, red-lipped and beaming. "Stiles!" Derek's voice barked out of the open window. The thinner boy frowned slightly and bent over, peering into the dark car, only to be hit by a flying purple shirt that Derek had clearly thrown to him. It hit Stiles flush in the face and he wrestled it into submission, squawking and arms waving. Having conquered the inanimate object Stiles leant fully into the car for yet another goodbye kiss and Scott rolled his eyes, especially when his friend started receiving cat calls from some guys on the Lacrosse team bemoaning their lack of similar greetings! "Have a good day!" Derek chuckled and drove off.

"Hey, how come you came in with Der-face?" Scott asked as Stiles wriggled into the purple button down shirt.

"Oi! That's my boyfriend, only I get to call the grumpy sourwolf names!" He punched his friend playfully on the arm and continued. "I had to make sure he was wearing purple, and knew he didn't have anything so I bought him something." Scott thought back - leather jacket, grey v-neck, black jeans... no purple.

"But he's not wearing purple..."

"Yes he is, trust me." Stiles walked off into school and Scott followed confused.

"But... he's not..." Scott tried again.

"Scott. Take a minute. I, his wonderful, cute and thoughtful, yet still teenage boy, boyfriend, bought him a gift, that you can't see, and I had to go to his house early to make sure he wore them..." Stiles nodded a few times slowly, rotating his hand trying to get Scott to see his point.


"You still have no idea do you?" Stiles deadpanned and Scott shook his head. "Briefs dude, I bought him some purple underwear! God, how you survive sometimes..." Scott couldn't help but blush as they had entered the building and Scott's brain finally twigged as to what was different in school.

"Hey, how come there are so many people wearing purple?" He asked.

"It's spirit day." Stiles replied like that answered anything. Scott looked around. Not everyone was wearing purple by any stretch of the imagination, but enough were that it made a seemingly continuous wave of colour. A t-shirt here, a scarf there, a wristband, skirt, trousers, even some of the teachers were in purple shirts, ties or dresses. A memory teased him but he couldn't quite latch on to it.

"What's spirit day again?"

"Seriously?! Dude, your memory sucks... it's a day where people wear purple to show solidarity with LGBT people who are facing bullying, especially in schools. And considering your best friend is B or possibly even G, you should totally be supporting it?! Mind you, I won't tell you what I had to do to get Derek into those briefs this morning, so don't sweat it! Honestly, he's such a grouch sometimes." He still glared at Scott's complete lack of purpleness though, before carrying on to his locker.

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