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♪Throw it up. Throw it up, watch  it all fall out. Pour it up. Pour it up, that’s how we ball out. Valet cost a hunna bills still got mo money.♪

“Hello there lil’Aadmir?” I sang to his lil’sis.

“Hey big sis, what are you doing today?” She sang back.

“Nothing really going to the mall. Why what’s up?”

“I don’t want to sit in the house all day that’s all.”

“Oh. Well after I drop this thing off I’ll swing by and get you.”

“I’m at dance right now but Momma home so that’s fine i’ll be there in like 20-30 mins.”

“Okay koo I can wait no problem.”

“Yes! Thanks see you in a bit.” She hung up before I could say anything else.  I dropped off my package and headed over to Aadmirs house. To my surprise Aadmir opened the door instead of his mother.

“Hey where’s Mom?”

“She left to go get lil’sis she’ll be back in 30 minutes she said.”

“Ohh.” I said taking a seat on the couch.

“Damn! Baby you look good.” He sang sitting close and I mean no air could get between us type of close. I started to move over but he stopped me and pulled me close again. There was a mirror about the size of the wall that he kept looking at. As many times as I’ve been here I do not recall the mirror being there.

“Aadmir, please stop you know I have a boyfriend.”

“Baby, he can’t do nothing that I can’t do. You love me anyway I don’t know why you with that fool anyways.” He said kissing my neck I pushed him away and he pulled me chest to chest w/him holding my hand tightly. I tried to get away. His grip seemed inescapable as he kissed all over me. I got loose and stood up.

“Aadmir this is messed up and you know it. I’m just here so me and Lil’sis can go out. Why you tryna do extra? Can’t we just be friend? Respect the fact that i'm happily taken.” I looked at the mirror there was something moving behind it but I didn’t know if it was just me tweaking so I turned back to Aadmir.

“Fuck that! If I can’t have you that nigga Sunny can’t have yo pretty ass either” He said pointing to the mirror walking towards me with this crazy look in his eyes. He started kissing my neck and feeling all over me roughly. I pushed him off but he didn’t budge. The mirror came down in a million pieces, Sunny was the reason for the breaking. He was duct taped to a chair in his boxers his face was bruised and battered. He landed on his side still taped to the wooden chair trying to say something through the tape on his mouth. He looked like he was in so much pain but still didn’t want me to see him like that so he sucked it up. I started towards him but Aadmir pulled me into his arms and taped me to the chair in the corner. I was so shocked I couldn’t even cry.  He set Sunny’s chair upright then snatched the tape from his mouth.

“You low down mothafucka! You gon’ pay.” He said then Aadmir gave him 2 blows to the face.  

“You call this a man baby?” Aadmir barked.

“Aadmir please don’t hurt him no more what do you want?” I asked him in panic mode trying my best not to hide it.

“I want you; your heart; us…” He said licking my ear. I pressed my lips together and moved my head away from Aadmirs face.

“Aadmir this isn’t you. Why are you doing this?”

“Don’t ask him nothing he’s a dead man walking!” Sunny barked.

“Love makes us do crazy things” Aadmir smiled as he pulled out a gun and pointed it at Sunny’s head. My heartbeat was officially visible through my tanktop now.

“AADMIR ! NOOO… Please don’t… Why God why why whyyyy.” I cried as Sunny’s blood and brains were splattered everywhere. I was frozen in place as the tears rolled down my face. Aadmir kissed me on the lips just before. BANG!

I jumped out of my sleep trying to catch my breath. Sunny was staring at me with this worried look on his face.

“Crap!” I said jumping out of bed going down to the kitchen to get something to cool me down. Gushin Green Apple Minute Maid is the best apple juice every produced on earth. I returned to my bedroom and sat my cup on the nightstand next to my side of the bed.

“Everything okay?” Sunny asked.

“No, im starting to have crazy dreams again.”

“Oh, I know baby. I’m here. What happened this time?”

“Aadmir killed you and there was nothing I could do to help you. Then he killed himself, I was taped to a chair.” I said replaying the end of the dream over and over. Maybe I had this dream because I have to go pick up Aadmir in a couple of hours.

“Ha! Baby trust me that’ll never happen.” Sunny laughed.

“Sunny that’s not funny, maybe you just don’t understand. You're not going with me I’m not taking no chances.”

“Okay. Okay. Okay. I’m sorry and you're right it’s not funny. I know your dreams feel extremly real and take a toll on you. Maybe you should call those doctors you found.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. Can you turn off your lamp please?” I whispered, laying down, pulling the covers to my neck. Sunny turned off the light and pulled me on top of him. I laid listening to his heartbeat.

“I trust you to go alone but I don’t trust him so it’s all on you. I just want you to know that I love you like the air I breath and I don’t know what I’ll do without you.” Sunny said holding me tight.

“Don’t worry my love I’m not going anywhere unless you want me to. Our love is too strong for me to up and leave.”

“Alright, get some rest I want you back safe and sound.” He said kissing my forehead.

“I love you Sunny Pooh.” I laughed

“I love you to Sugar Plum.” He laughed as well. 

How about that dream? ...

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