Roran the Unwanted

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On a tiny hill with a small apple tree surrounded by a lush forest a black haired boy with a white tuff in the front of his head stared up at the sky. He was about the size of a young adult, had blue eyes, wore a red shirt with a white pegasus in the middle of it, short brown pants and black shoes. He watched the clouds go by and saw one that resembled a muffin. His stomach began to rumble as he watched it drift by. He then noticed an apple that landed on the right side of him. " Well looks like luck is on my side today" he said smiling as he picked up the apple.

" Or it could just be your best friend watching out for you" said a feminine voice. He then sat up and looked behind him to see a white haired girl leaning against the apple tree. She had long white hair, blue eyes and was slightly smaller then Roran was. She wore a pink shirt with a white skirt and yellow slippers. " Oh hey Mary" Roran responded taking a bite off his apple.

" What are you doing all the way up here?" the girl named Mary asked sitting next to him.

" Right now, I'm just thinking"

" Jee, that was specific"

" Sorry, I meant that well-"

" Well what?"

" Recently I've been thinking that I should leave the village"

" What?, why?"

" Its just that, I don't really feel as if I have a purpose there" he responded to the girl who listened to what he had to say. " That and everyone hates me".

" They do not hate you"

" Um, yeah they do, I'm not an idiot, whenever they see me they either give me the stink eye or just walk the other way, especially Henry"

" So, I don't give you the stink eye or runaway"

" You don't count, your my best friend"

" So, maybe people would like you more if they got to know you better"

" Know me better, Mary they've known me ever since my father dropped me off at that village, which leads me to another topic I've been thinking of"

" What?"

" My father, he said he was going to drop me to this village and come back for me the next day but here I am thirteen years later and he still hasn't shown up" the boy said as Mary just listened patiently. " So what do you think, should I stay and wait for my father or should I just give up on waiting and leave?"

" Well thats for you to decide and besides don't you have something more important you should be doing?"

" Like what?"

" Your job"

" CRAP!!, I totally forgot I agreed to help Henry with  chopping some lumber!!" the boy shouted as he stood up and ran down the hill and in to the forest leaving Mary.

" That's my knuckle headed best friend" she said with a smile.

The boy ran through the forest and jumped over a blue slime effortlessly as he continued running leaving the creature confused. He then exited the forest and entered a small village. The village itself had a tavern that was close to the entrance where Roran was and couple of other houses close by with a well in the middle of the village. Roran then began walking to a house that was next to the tavern. " Look there he is" Roran heard a man say to another man that were entering the tavern.

" Yup thats him alright"

" Come on lets go inside before some of it rubs on us" the man said snickering as the other man started to laugh as well. Roran continued walking and saw  a woman and a child immediately walk the other way when they saw him. He then reached the house he was supposed to go to and knocked on the door. The brown door of the white house opened and revealed a brown  haired man with glasses and black colored eyes. He had a mustache, was wearing a worker's uniform that said Imin Tavern on it, with long white pants and sandals. " Well its about damn time you got here, do you know how long I've been waiting!" the man snapped.

" Sorry Henry, I got held up doing-"

" I don't care, just get in the back and start chopping that pile of lumber like you promised!!" the man shouted leaving the house and waking over to the tavern. " And come to the tavern to receive your payment when your done" he added.

" Yes sir" Roran said with a loud sigh. He then saw a man and woman walk pass and heard the man say " Yeah have you heard, they say that during the next couple of days the Royald Guard will be in the area". 

" No kidding" the woman responded.

" Yeah, apparently theres some top secret stuff going on around here, best just ignore them" the man said as they walked passed.

" Royal Guard?, wonder what their doing around here?- what am I doing, I better get this lumber chopped up before Henry shouts at me again" the boy said running in the back of the house.

Not far away from the village a group of men in armor were fighting a group of animal like Akuma. A soldier just killed one that had the appearance of a wolf causing it to explode.

" Phew, I think thats the last of them" the soldier said before a huge bear like demon appeared from out the forest. " Crap" the same soldier said looking at the beast. " Kill it!!" one of the soldiers said before five of them charged at the creature. The bear released a beam of darkness out of its mouth causing the soldiers to step back some. " Man this one is strong" one of the soldiers said as the bear advanced towards them.

" Step aside" a brown haired man said as he faced the creature. He had blue eye, wore black armor that covered his arms, legs and chest but kept his knees, head and shoulders exposed. " Commander Seika!!" one of the soldiers yelled.

" Don't worry, ill kill this thing myself" he said pulling out a silver sword. 

The bear creature then charged at the man in black armor while Seika stayed where he was. Once the beast got close to the man it tried to bite him but the commander easily avoided the attack. " Come on big fella, show me what you can do" the man said as he dodged more bites and scratches from the beast. " Pitiful, and to think people are actually afraid of you, I've seen real bears put up more of a fight then that" the man said with a serious expression on his face. The monster then released a stream of darkness at the man who simply cut it in half with his sword. " Well if thats all the fight you got in you then I guess ill just rap this up" the man said uninterestingly. " Phoenix Ignite!!" the man roared as his sword caught on fire. He then charged at the Akuma and sliced the flaming sword on its chest killing it instantly. Seika then put his sword back in his scabbard thought " Damn, how am I suppose to get stronger if I have to keep fighting these weak Akuma". He then looked at the bear carcass slowly turning into black dust. " Looks like they corrupt animals too" he thought.

" Commander Seika, are you ok sir" one of the men said.

" Im fine, casualties?"

" Other then a couple scratches we are fine"

" Good, then we keep moving" the man said as he started deeper in the forest.

" But sir, don't you think that was all the Akuma in the area?"

" You said there is a village nearby, correct?"

" Yes sir"

" Then we will head there, maybe they've seen some suspicious activity around here, its to risky to just leave an unprotected village like that with out checking on them, now lets move" the man ordered as he continued walking.

" Yes sir" the soldier said as the rest followed the man into the woods.

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