Kirin and the Blue Dragon Armor

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" It can't be, she died back at the village after she turned into an Akuma" Roran thought as he stared at the white haired girl that just walked past him. " Maybe she turned back into a human some how and came here for help or something?" he thought as he scratched his head. " Well, there is only one way I can find out if it is her" he said as he started waking over to the white haired girl. When he approached her he hesitated and a drain of sweat began to drip down his fore head. He quickly wiped it away and proceeded in trying to get her attention. He nervously touched her right shoulder and said " Mary?".

" Who's Mary?" the girl responded as she turned around to face Roran. The girl was a little bit shorter than Roran barely passing his shoulders. She had short white hair, blue eyes and wore a blue head band. The armor she wore looked like an average white skirt but a lot harder, it covered her chest down to her waist and allowed he shoulders and top portions of her legs to be exposed. Her vambraces and greaves were also white and she also wore blue gloves as well. 

" Crap, sorry, I thought you were someone else" the boy said embarrassingly as he began to walk away only to be stopped by the girl who grabbed his right arm. She pulled the boy in close which caused him to blush a little.

" I haven't seen you around the guild before?" she said curiously.

" Well I just joined it today"

" Oh that explains it" she said letting the boy go. " Allow me introduce myself, my name is Kirin Ingram" she said in a sweet voice.

" Nice to meet you, the name's Roran Silverfall" 

" Roran?, well welcome to the best guild in all of Altria" she said with a smile.

" Thanks" 

" Anyways, let me introduce you to some of my friends, your going to love them"

" Well actually I was going-"

The girl grabbed his arm and said " Oh come on, it will be fun". The girl pulled Roran over to a wooden table near the door where a blond haired child was resting his head on it. He wore a green leather shirt, white shorts and had a medium sized boomerang attached to his back. 

" Meet Benny" the girl said introducing Roran to the child named Benny.

" Nice to meet you" Roran said.

Benny did not reply but instead made snoring noises revealing that he had been asleep.

" Unbelievable, sleeping on the job again" Kirin said with a sigh. She walked over to the boy and pounded him on the top of his head waking him up.

" IT WASNT ME, THE LEPRECHAUNS DID IT!!" the boy screamed startling Roran while Kirin made an uninterested expression. Benny then looked around the table with his green eyes and noticed what was happening. " Crap did I fall asleep again?" the boy asked.

" Yes, Benny what did I tell you about sleeping on the job"

" Its lame and unprofessional"

" Thats a good boy now I would like you to meet our new member Roran"

" Nice to meet-"

Benny jumped on top of the table and got into a heroic stance.

" The name is Benny Felor, the strongest and bravest member of Dragon Eye"

" He forgot to mention stupidest" Kirin whispered to Roran.

" I am known by many and feared by many because of my pure awesomeness, you would be wise as to treat me with some respect newbie unless you want to tango with Cyclone"

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