Story in Paintings

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The four heroes stood outside of the huge abandoned castle, staring at it in silence. A strong gust of wind past by them and made the castle make a creaking sound that sent chills down their spines.

" You know maybe there isn't anything abnormal about this place, maybe its just a normal abandoned castle" Benny said smiling nervously.

" Your not getting scared are you?" Roran asked.

" What? me?, you must be out of your mind, when have you known me to ever be scared?"

" You asked me to kill the roach inside your room" Kirin responded teasingly.

" It was a flying one, those things are creepy"

Atlas walked up to the castle in silence not showing a bit of fear on his face.

" Um, where are you going?" Roran asked.

" Inside, I mean it is our mission"

" Yeah well what if there is an Akuma in there, maybe we should try a different approach"

" I agree with Roran, we should use live bait" Kirin added.

" Fine but what can we use?"

The three suddenly all grinned evilly and then stared at Benny who was drying his tail.

" I am sorry for the poor loser that has to go in there first" he said as he finished drying is tail. He quickly caught his friends's stares and soon realized what they were planning.

" Oh no, your not thinking of sending me in there first are you?"

" Well we were going to send the strongest and bravest of us first but I guess thats not you" Roran said holding back a grin. Fire started forming in Benny's eyes before he got in a heroic stance.

" I, Benny Felor am the strongest and ill prove it"

The boy suddenly darted towards the house screaming shocking the others. He kicked the broken door down and continued into the dark building. A few minutes passed since he entered the castle.

" Do you think we should go in now?" Kirin asked nervously.

" Nah, he should be fine" Atlas answered.

Suddenly a large scream echoed out of the castle startling the three.

" Benny!!" Roran shouted as he darted towards the castle with Kirin and Atlas close behind him. Once they entered it they looked at the area filled with old furniture and broken lamps.

" Benny, where are you!?" Kirin shouted.

" Down here" a voice whimpered. The three looked down to see the Felinoid with his hand trapped on a mouse trap.

" What happened?"

" I was looking around and then I saw some cheese so I decided to get some only to realize that it was a mouse trap" he explained pulling his hand free. Kirin stomped angrily over to him and smacked him on his head.

" You idiot!!, you scared us half to death!!"

" Sorry, but on the bright side I got some cheese"

Atlas sniffed the air and looked around the battered house.

" Alright, I am sensing an energy source in the deepest part of the castle so if we go down this corridor we should reach where the energy is coming from"

" Then lets go" Roran said as he began walking down the corridor with his friends following him. As the four walked they noticed broken trinkets scattered everywhere, mice running around and insects flying in the dark building.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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