Castle on the Lake

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Birds flew in the sky as a group of deer grazed in a forest clearing. One of the deers looked up from the grass and heard noises coming from the bushes nearby. It made a high pitched sound and ran away with the other deer following it. A few seconds later Benny emerged from the bushes with a disappointed look on his face. 

" Aw man, I just wanted to say hi"

" How many times do I have to tell you, deer don't like to be disturbed when their eating, show some respect" Atlas said as he appeared with Roran and Kirin from behind Benny.

" I know, but there just so cute"

" Even if they are they serve little relevance to our mission" Atlas said as he and Kirin passed Benny who just stuck his tongue out at the man.

" So how much further do we have to go?" Roran asked.

" We should be there soon" Kirin responded with a smile.


" Where going to a castle?" Roran asked confusedly. He and his friends sat at a round wooden table in the Dragon Eye guild and were discussing about the mission Roran agreed to help with.

" Yeah, its a spooky castle filled with ghost cows and demon spiders" Benny replied snickering. Kirin smacked the boy on his head and sighed afterwards.

" Ouch, I was just joking"

" What Benny was trying to say was that recently there have been reports of abnormal activity around an abandoned castle near the area" Kirin explained.

" What kind of reports?"

" Strange noises and beams of blue light coming from the castle"

" Do you think its an Akuma breach?"

" We are not entirely sure but we were hired to go and check out the area" Atlas said seriously.

" Well whatever it is you can count on your new team member to give you all the help you need"

" Whatever kid, just don't get yourself killed out there" Atlas said leaving the table.

" Whats with that guy?, why is he always so serious?"

" Dont blame him Roran, Atlas has always been like that" the white haired girl explained. Roran looked at the man walk out of the guild silently.

" I wish I knew why"

End of Memory

The group exited the forest and saw a large lake not too far from where they were. As they walked down towards it an ominous fog started to appear that made the area seem haunting in a way.

" I hate fogs, they give me the chills" Benny said shivering.

" Didn't you say you are the strongest warrior in Dragon Eye?"

" Of course I did Roran but even powerful guys like me have to be scared of something"

Roran smiled as Kirin grinned while they walked. They reached the side of the lake and stared out into the foggy area. Atlas sniffed the air while closing his eyes completely ignoring everything else.

" So where is this castle?" Roran asked.

" Its supposed to be right here" Kirin said looking around the area.

" You think we might be at the wrong place?" Benny suggested.

" No, we are here, I smell a structure made of granite over in that direction" Atlas said as he pointed out into the foggy lake. In the distance an outline of a castle appeared until it was clearly visible surrounded by fog.

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