Dragon Eye

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Roran walked into the town of Redwood looking for the guild known as Dragon Eye. Redwood was a little larger than Roran's old village. It had houses, buildings, taverns, a school, a church and even a park. As he walked through the town he was greeted by random people with very kind attitudes who all greeted him to their town. " Wow, this place is much nicer than home" he thought as he continued walking. He made his way to what presumably looked like town square. There was a white fountain in the middle of the area with benches formed in a circle around it. " Great I'm lost" Roran said with a sigh. He then spotted a man walking past and decided to talk to him.

" Um, excuse me sir but can you help me?"

" Sure, with what?" the man replied kindly.

" Well I'm trying to find my way to Dragon Eye"

" Dragon Eye aye? are you going to become a member?"

" No, I just need to speak with someone there"

" Oh, well the guild is just down that pathway" the man said as he pointed to a pathway to the left of them"

" Thanks" Roran said as he left the man and went down the pathway the man mentioned. He walked for a few minutes passing some houses as he did until he saw a white building with the painting of a dragon's eye on it. It looked like a normal tavern except it was a little bigger. " Well this must be the place" Roran said as he entered the building. When he got inside the building he looked around. The inside looked bigger than the actual building itself. It had two rows of five wooden tables with chairs under them, a bar was in the back of the room with a long table that separated the tender from the customers. There was a wooden billboard with papers attached to it on the far left side of the room and a regular wooden door was on the left side of it. Different people with different armor and weapons were scattered all around the room drinking and talking to each other. Roran began to walk through the guild towards the bar tender with a few of the members staring at him strangely. He walked up to the man behind the bar tender. The man had a long white beard and long white hair, he had a tan skin color, had brown eyes, and wore a white cloak with black shoes.

" Greetings kid, what brings you to our guild"

" Im looking for a man called Tano"

" Tano?, what do you want with him?"

" Well its kind of personal-"

" Sorry kid but your going to have to tell me, I am the master of this guild" the white haired man said with a smile. Roran gave a confused look and replied " The master of the guild is working at the bar?"

" Yeah, don't judge me!!, so you going to tell me"

" I need to know if he has any intel on an Akuma that attacked my village a while ago"

" Akuma business aye?, well kid if you really want him to help you then your going to have to put a request on the request board" the man said drinking a bottle of booze. Roran looked at the request board and saw it was completely full of papers.

" But sir, there are so many requests up there, it'll be days before he reads my request"

" Well there is another option"

" Oh yeah?, what is it?"

" You can join the guild, if you do I'm sure he'll listen to you"

" Join the guild?" Roran repeated. He thought for a while and then said " Fine, if it lets me talk to him sooner then ill join this guild"

" Wonderful, now all you have to do is pay the small registration fee of fifty gold" the man said with a devious smile.

" Fifty gold!!, but thats all I have on me"

" Well lucky you" the man said putting out his hand to receive the money. Roran made a sad expression and then gave the man all the gold he had in his pocket.

" Marvelous, now all you need is some useful armor so I can imprint our guild crest on it"

" Sorry pal but these clothes are the only things that I have that didn't get burned up in my village"

" Well why don't you do yourself a favor and go buy some" the man said as he walked to the right side of the bar to take a man's order.

" I would but you just took all of my money, I sure hope this is worth it" Roran moaned.

The man then returned and said " Now about Tano, he just left to complete a request and won't be back for a week".

" What!!, why didn't you tell me that before?!!"

" You didn't ask?" the man said with a grin before he left again.

" Great, now what am I suppose to do?" the boy said with a sigh.

" Hey you" a man next to Roran said. The man had brown hair and wore generic armor.

" Whats up?" Roran replied.

" Haven't seen you around here before, got a name?"

" This guy does not know anything about me, maybe I can take advantage of that and make myself seem extremely strong" Roran thought in his head.

" You deaf or something?"

" Uh, no, but my name is Roran Silverfall and I happen to be the strongest warrior in my village"

" So your saying you have some experience with fighting monsters?"

" Yup, I originally came here to find this Tano guy so I can beat him in a fight but now that I know he's not here I guess I have nothing to do" Roran lied.

" Well if your looking to fight someone strong then why don't you fight Atlas"

" Who's Atlas?" Roran asked. The man pointed over to a man who was leaning his back against the wall in the right corner of the room. He was black skinned with brown eyes and white hair. He was a little bit taller than Roran, wore a sleeveless blue jacket with a black shirt under it and black shorts with a red belt tied around it. He also had a red head band on his fore head with a horn pointing out of it and had a medium sized scar running through his right eye. The man looked at Roran who was still staring at him and grunted sending chills down Roran's back.

" On second thought I think ill take a day off" the boy said smiling. A girl with white hair then walked passed Roran catching his attention. The boy didn't believe what he was seeing and managed to mutter out one word.

" Mary?"

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