Yellow Eyes

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The symbol in the ground created violent winds that shook the trees also causing Roran to fall down. The boy looked at the symbol and saw that a beam of bright light shot up in the sky as a powerful roar came from the symbol itself. " This isn't good" Roran thought as he got back on his feet. Moments later, two enormous black wings rose out of the symbol while Roran just watched in fear. A huge black dragon then emerged from the symbol, roaring as it did. The dragon was about the size of a small house, it had black skin, its back spikes and claws were sharp and silver, and its eyes were yellow. The dragon looked around for a few moments before it spotted the boy standing in front of it. The dragon moved its face in front of the boy while Roran just stayed where he was. " What's happening?, why can't I move?" Roran thought as he stared into the yellow eyes of the beast. The dragon then rose its head and sprayed a huge mist of darkness onto Roran cloaking him in darkness. The dragon then stopped and waited until the mist cleared. Once it did, Roran stood where he was brushing away all of the dark mist off of him. The dragon gave a shocked expression and then roared at him causing Roran to step back some. The beast then spread its wings and flew into the sky. Roran saw where it was flying causing his heart to stop. " Its .... its flying towards the village!!" he screamed as he ran in the direction the dragon flew.

Roran ran and ran through the forest at full speed with the sword in his right hand and scabbard around his back. " Maybe they saw the pillar of light and evacuated" Roran thought as he ran. He finally exited the forest and entered his village only to see it was completely set on fire. He ran into it and saw nobody, the town was completely deserted. " Hello!!" Roran shouted hoping to hear a response. " Mary!!, are you still here?!!" Roran shouted as he walked through the burning village. He then heard shuffling in a nearby house. " Anybody there?" he asked in the house with the noise. An Akuma then emerged from the house, growling as it did. " An Akuma, but how?" he asked as the creature started towards him. " Stay back!!" Roran shouted as he pointed his sword at the creature. " What am I doing, I don't even know how to fight" Roran thought as he kept pointing the weapon at the creature. The Akuma ran towards the boy roaring as it did. Roran blocked a swing from the creature and then delivered a kick to its chest knocking it back some. " Don't hurt it!!" Roran heard a voice say. He turned around and saw Mary hiding behind a burnt down house.

" Mary!!, what are you talking about?!!"

" That thing is a human!!" she screamed back. Roran stopped and looked at the growling monster. Even though it looked like a normal Akuma it still had some human features such as it wearing slippers and having human like hair on its head.

" What the hell?" Roran said as he soon realized that the creature he was fighting was the man he overheard talking about the Royal Guard earlier today. " I can't kill him" Roran said in a chilled voice allowing the creature to slash in the shoulder splattering blood on the floor. Roran grunted in pain as he put his right hand over his now bleeding left shoulder. Roran then grabbed a handful of dust and threw it at the demon blinding it temporarily. He then ran over to Mary at full speed. " Now what?" Roran said when he reached Mary.

" Follow me" she said as she ran to a house nearby with Roran following her. They climbed through a broken window and walked through the damaged house. " Ive been hiding in the basement of this house ever since a black dragon appeared and started turning people into Akuma" Mary explained.

" Just you?" 

" Unfortunately no" Mary said with a sigh as they walked down the stairs of the house to the basement and saw Henry and his two friends sitting at the bottom drinking beer.

" Oh great, out of all the people in the village you had to save him" Henry said.

" Shut up!, your lucky I saved you at all" Mary snapped at the man.

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