Roran vs. Atlas

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Roran stared at the muscular man sitting at the wooden table away from them with sweat pouring down the back of his neck.

" So your saying that Atlas is on your team?"

" Sure is" Kirin replied.

" But how?, I mean from what I hear he's supposed to be one of the strongest guys in this guild so how did you guys convince him to be on your team .... no offense"

" Hey, just because we don't look like warriors doesn't mean that we can't fight like them" Benny said crossing his arms. Roran scratched his head embarrassingly and then looked back at Atlas.

" What makes you think he'll let me on the team?"

" Roran everything will be fine" Kirin reassured.

" Really?"

" Yeah, we'll just go over there and introduce you to him" the girl continued as she grabbed his arm and started to pull him over to Atlas with Benny following them. With each step closer Roran got to the man the more nervous he got. " What will this guy do if he doesn't like me?" he thought in his head. He then remembered his village being destroyed by the Akuma and all fear and doubt he had left his body. He wiped the sweat off his fore head and continued walking towards the man. Kirin then stopped pulling him and he realized that they were at the table with Atlas.

" Hey pal, what you been up to?" Benny asked with a large smile. Atlas did not reply but instead just stared at Roran.

" Who is this human?" the man asked.

" This is Roran and he wanted to be part of our group" Kirin explained.

" Nice to meet you" Roran said putting his hand out at the man.

" You want him to join us?"

" Yeah, is that a problem?" Kirin asked.

" Well hate to break it to you we are kind of out of his league" Atlas said uninterestingly.

" Out of your league?, whats that mean" Roran asked.

" It means that we go on a lot more deadly missions than any other member in this guild and if you were to join us you'd only get in the way"

" Are you guys that powerful?"

" Of course they are, why do you think I want them on my team?, Kirin is the best archer in Dragon Eye" Atlas said. Roran looked at Kirin who blushed at the comment.

" And even though he's an idiot, Benny's enchanted boomerang skills are incredible making him a valuable asset" Atlas continued.

" Oh stop, you got me blushing" Benny said jokingly.

" Face it kid, if we had to constantly keep looking after a worthless fighter our job we be a lot more difficult, I recommend you join a weaker team"

Roran made a mad expression and stayed silent.

" Come on Atlas, at least give him a chance!" Kirin shouted.

" No its fine Kirin, I mean if he's afraid he'll get shown up by a " pathetic human" then I guess I won't stick around"

" What did you say?" Atlas asked in a serious tone.

" You heard me horn head, its obvious your worried that I might steal your thunder, kinda sad really" Roran said smiling deviously. The man rose from his seat getting everyone in the guild's attention.

" So you think that your better than me, is that it?"

" Roran maybe you should-" Kirin stated.

" That's right,and if your not you can give me a chance to prove myself" Roran responded. The room was dead silent because of the sudden turn of events.

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