Love denied

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Morning. Sycamore scent drifted on summer breeze whilst a sun dried grass blanket stretched across the land. Kirito awoke to a sweet scent yet the scene seemed too good to be true. Diving into view, Lisbeth stared wide eyed at him and waved wildly, squealing "Kirito, hi!" Idly, he slurred a casual greeting and rolled sluggishly out of bed. Arising from his slumber, he grabbed his blade and reached for his coat, only to be interrupted by Lisbeth's sing song type voice saying "your coat looks tight and I haven't measured you for a scabbard. I can do it now if you'd like me too?" Awkwardly, he agreed and took of his coat and asked "do you need me to...take my tip off?" Lisbeth replied with a gentle nod and Kirito complied. Clutching her tape measure, Lisbeth extended it and wrapped it tightly around her waist, which seemed like a perfect excuse for a hug. Pulling him closer into her, Kirito stared down and smiled, realising she wanted a hug all along. "If you wanted a hug, all you have to do is ask." Kirito told her and wrapped his arms around Lisbeth. Snuggling closer into his grip, she dropped the tape measure and hugged him tightly; withdrawing for a moment to put his top abs coat on, Lisbeth swooned over that moment and was overwhelmed by how real it was.
Ambling along the cob path, Lisbeth smiled up at Kirito and then pointed to a solitary mahogany bench underneath to trees. Enticing him over, Lisbeth skipped over to it, spring in her step, and luxuriated back on the firm planks that made the bench. Joining her shortly, Kirito lie back on the bench, allowing his coat to slide of his shoulders and coat the bench in a midnight paint. Breathing deeply, Lisbeth placed a gloved hand onto his cheek and turned him to face her and reached for his hand with her other concealed hand. She had seen Asuna do this thousands of times and Lisbeth was trying to imitate her. Staring at her, Kirito saw how much of Asuna was there in front of him and whispered "I'm falling in love with you and I can't help it..." A soothing smile adorned Lisbeth's face and she replied "you make me feel like no one else has before" and kissed him gently. When she withdrew, Kirito could not compute who had kissed him; it felt so familiar, like Asuna, but Lisbeth had done so. As she went in for a longer kiss, Kirito's mind whirled 'it's so wrong kissing her,' he thought 'but I can't stop.'

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