The meeting

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A shroud of tension covered the office wear. Heathcliff sat cross armed and cross legged, waiting impatiently. "Kirito come in," Heathcliff proclaimed, his voice saddening and serious. "I must talk to you about something. We want Asuna to come out of retirement, we need her lighting flash skills." A furious expression crept over his face and he let out an aggressive roar. "She's happy. LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS! I WON'T LET HER GET HURT!" As he turned to leave, an angry Heathcliff sneered "why...because she's pregnant?!?" Wide eyed, he swung around and clutched the collar of his iconic shirt and proclaimed angrily "how did you know that." With a sickly smirk, he sneered "let's just say a little bird told me so." Frustration flooded every inch of him and a clenched fist formed. "Looks like your labour for love could not keep your little secret." Unable to control his anger, Kirito's clenched fist landed on Heathcliff's nose sharply and shouted "DON'T YOU CONE NEAR US EVER AGAIN!" Storming out angrily, he slammed the door behind him. "So powerful, so commanding..." Heathcliff proclaimed "yet he had a soft spot for Asuna. I can use this."

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