Coming home

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Warm zephyrs floated on air and ruffled the individual ebony strands of Kirito's hair as he walked through the vast forestry that stretched for miles before him. A beautiful shimmering light shone into his handsome face and his wonderful eyes glistened in the aurora of captivating light.
The aqua shimmer of the lake captivated the glamour of the skyline and the life of the botanicals glowed a vibrant green. On the horizon, a small village waited patiently for his arrival...Kirito recognised his home from anywhere. "I'm home." He said to himself, his wild hair waving on the thin air of the country. As he made his way towards the village, memories flooded back, them of him swinging his family around wildly to those of him rocking his family to sleep gently in his arms. As he approached his doorway, he paused gingerly and took a deep breath, trying to drown out the embarrassment and the events that took place a few hours ago. With a shaker fist, he knocked gently against the oak of the door, flushing out guilt and trying to adorn an expressive yet open minded face and as the door swung open, a beautiful yet exhausted Asuna stood in the doorway. As her tired eyes fixed on her lover, she lit up with joy and wrapped a pair of frail arms around him. "Is it really you?" She whispered through broken tears, her tone weak. Hugging her tighter, he replied softly "of course it is." Kissing her cheek, he stroked her hair and watched her curl up in his loving grip, he whispered "I'm never leaving your side again."

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