Telling Riley

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It's the day Maya is going to finally tell the big secret to Riley. Other than Lucas, Riley is the most important person in her life. She's a little scared that Riley will feel replaced by the baby. So she wants to make her feel as apart of this as possible..that's why she's going to be the godmother.

"Babe look what I got made for Riley, I think she's going to be super excited." Maya stood up in front of Lucas showing him a shirt that says "Worlds Best Aunt" but on the back it says "...And Godmother!" Lucas laughed at how excited his girl was. "She definitely going to think it's the best gift ever, after of course she stops being confused." Maya slapped his arm and laughed. "You're right she's totally going to not understand at first. But she loves cheesy gifts like this." Maya smiled as she folded up the shirt and put it in a gift bag. "Baby who are you going to choose as the godfather?" Maya looked at Lucas as they were getting ready to leave. "I don't know, I mean Zay has been my friend forever but I feel like Farkle is definitely the best choice. Besides Riley and him are most likely going to be together and it'll work out good." Lucas said as he pulled on his shirt. He looked over at his girlfriend and smiled as she fixed her hair. "I think Farkle will be excited to have a godchild, they can help him take over the world." Maya laughed as she looked in the mirror and watched Lucas walk towards her, he plaved his hand on Mayas small stomach and kissed her cheek. "You look so amazing." he smiled at her, she started to turn a little red. "You don't look too bad yourself huckleberry." She turned around and kissed his lips softly. "Ready to go?" Lucas pulled her back for one more kiss and nodded. Maya grabbed the giftbag and they headed to Topanagas to meet everyone.

Riley and Farkle got there first, they had actually started to date but kept it a little secretive. They just wanted to enjoy being together without everyone talking about it. But they thought it would be the perfect time since Maya wanted everyone to meet. Zay showed up second and looked at Farkle and Riley. "Hey guys what's up? Where's blondie and the cowboy? They wanted us here and show up last." Riley and Farkle laughed as Maya and Lucas showed up behind him to hear that. Zay shook his head "They're behind me right?" Maya raised her eyebrow. "That's right Babineaux." Zay jumped around and smiled at them hugging them. "What's going on?" Maya and Lucas smiled and sat down, everyone else followed. "Well we have some news." Maya was smiling from ear to ear. Riley got excited. "So do Farkle and I!" Riley squealed. "You first cupcake." Maya said as she looked at Riley. "Well Farkle and I have started dating." Riley said excitedly. Lucas, Maya and Zay jumped up and said simultaneously "It's about time!" Maya hugged Riley tightly. "Okay peaches your turn." Riley grinned and Maya handed her a gift. "This is for you, you get to know first." Riley eyes lit up as she took the gift bag pulling out the shirt laying it on her lap. "World's best aunt..what?" Riley looked confused as Zay and Farkle's jaws dropped. "I'm not an aunt..Peaches I don't get it." Riley looked over at Maya as she laughed. "Riley, honey I'm pregnant which is going to make you the aunt and.." she trailed off turning the shirt over. Riley's jaw dropped and looked down "...and Godmother." She read out loud. Riley went from being shocked to smiling bigger than ever. "Maya are you serious!? A little baby peaches I can spoil!?" She squealed and hugged Maya. "Yes I'm serious! You all are going to be apart of our baby's life." Maya smiled. "Yep and Farkle since you're one of my best friends and you're dating Riley.. Would you like to be the godfather?" Farkle nodded his head real fast. "Someone to help me take over the world!" Everyone laughed. "Zay I hope you don't mind, but this just means you get to be the fun crazy uncle." Zay smiled at Lucas. "Well duh, I'm going to clearly be the baby's favorite." Riley dropped her head down to Mayas stomach and placed her hand there. "How far along are you?" Maya pulled out the ultrasound pictures and let everyone see them. "Almost 14 weeks, the next appointment we'll be able to know the baby's gender." Everyone laughed and talked for a few more hours til it got late and was time to go home. Maya couldn't have asked for a better reaction from her friends.

Hey! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter a little more😊. Any suggestions of what you would like the gender of the baby to be? Let me know 😊😊

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