Were the rumors true?

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Maya's P.O.V

I'm 34 weeks pregnant now, I'm happy the baby decided staying in was the best idea. But not being able to do anything has had me thinking about Missy and Paige like crazy, Lucas let all the vistors calm down so I could have some alone time. But who else could've been her father? Missy was the homewrecking type but didn't sleep around that much. I've been thinking back to all the rumors of the guys she's been with, there was about 5 not including Zay since school was pretty much over by then.

So first rumor was Jonathan, she supposedly ruined his relationship with Abigail by sleeping with him. Then there was Zack and she slept with him or he could've started those rumors himself. Then she I guess slept with Michael ruining his relationship with Avery. She also slept with Alexander and ruined his relationship with Aubrey. There was one more. I can't remember or was it cause I don't want to remember.. Fuck. It was LUCAS I screamed out loud. That's why Riley was secretive and Lucas got weirded out when I asked him. He was the other option I know it. I swear I'm going to kill him.

Lucas walked through the door a few hours later happy to see his pregnant girlfriend, hopefully finaceé soon. He walked up to his room and opened the door to see his clothes flying around everywhere and a suitcase open. "Woah Maya what's the matter?" she turned around slowly and if looks could kill he would've been dead on the spot. "YOU'RE WHAT'S WRONG. HOW COULD YOU FUCKING CHEAT ON ME WITH MISSY? HUH? POSSIBLY BE THE FATHER TO PAIGE. YOU AND RILEY BOTH KNEW THAT AND NEVER FUCKING THOUGHT I WOULD NEED TO KNOW? HOW COULD YOU LIE TO ME AND CHEAT ON ME? WHY WASN'T I ENOUGH?" Maya screamed as tears streamed down her face. Lucas ran over to her and made her sit on the bed. "What are you talking about? How did you find that out?" He asked panicking. "I didn't know for sure but what you just said and the look on your face says it all. You cheated on me and that's it. Get out. I never want to see you again." She said in monotone. "Maya please, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Lucas let a tear slip from his eye, he couldn't lose her or this baby over his dumb teenage ways. "Give me a good reason why I should forgive you Lucas." It hurt to hear her not call him by a nickname. "Because I made dumb mistakes in high school, tbe biggest one was betraying your trust for someone I didn't even love. I just wanted to be the cool person that got his cake and ate it too. I had a wonder gorgeous amazing girlfriend and a hook up. I should have never done it and I'm really sorry. I felt so bad so the last time I slept with her I cut her off after. Playing you was not right and I was in love with you and even Missy knew it. I'm so sorry Maya, please don't make me leave I need you and this baby." Lucas was crying now and Maya felt slightly bad but she was still mad. She placed her hand on her stomach softly rubbing it. "You can stay for the baby, but you have to sleep in the guest room. I don't know if I can trust you anymore." Maya started crying so much, how could she be dumb enough to get played. He sat next to her and held her as she started crying harder. "Please relax Maya, it's not good for you or the baby." Mata pulled away from him and slapped him across the face. "I loved you and you played me. It's your fault I'm upset. First I was mad about Missy coming back cause I knew she had a thing for you and I figure out this. How am I suppose to feel? I'm having a baby with a guy that didn't even put my feelings into consideration when he cheated on me. I'm not sure I could ever forgive you for this." Maya was still crying and walked over to the bathroom and locked herself in there. Lucas sat there stunned, he didn't know what to do, but she was right it was his fault. He sighed and went into the guess room continuing to cry about his dumb decisions..

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!😊 do you think Maya should forgive Lucas? What do you think will happen next?

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