A new edition part 1

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Maya and Lucas relaxed after walking for hours these last couple of days. The last day walking she had been cramping all day til she started contracting every 10 minutes. By 10 at night they were being to be 7 minutes apart. They were more painful than before, she would have to stop whatever she was saying or doing to breathe through it.

Lucas would just try to rub her back and comfort her as much as he could. Maya's pain tolerance was pretty high, so it wasn't bad enough to bring her to tears. "Baby do you want to go to the hospital yet?" Maya shook her head no and started to finish packing her hospital bags. "I'm not going til my water breaks or my contractions are 5 minutes apart. Right now they're about 7..." Maya took a pause as a contraction started and she took deep breaths as she closed her eyes til it was over. "Okay make that about 6 minutes apart." Lucas was panicking on the inside, but tried to be calm for Maya. This was the scariest yet most exciting thing ever. "Babe lets start heading to the hospital just be safe, please?" Lucas pleaded, he hated Maya being in pain without being able to help. "Fine, I'll go." She hated hospitals, she was so scared anything could happen. She sighed just as another contraction started. They slowly made their way to the car, Lucas stayed beside Maya the whole time.

By the time they had arrived at the hospital it was about 1 a.m. Maya's contractions started to become 4 minutes apart, they checked in at the front desk and she was brought back into a room and changed. Maya laid back on the hospital and the nurse hooked her up to monitors to watch both their heart rates and the contractions. "The doctor will be right in to check how dilated you are." The nurse smiled walking out. "Will you let people know the baby is coming? But tell them to stay home til the morning, I don't want everyone staying here for hours tired." Maya asked softly before another contraction started, she closed her eyes and tried to breathe through it and Lucas grabbed her hand for Maya to squeeze it. "I'll send out a group text so I won't wake anyone up. But I will call our parents so they won't be upset." Maya just nodded her head as the pain slowly stopped.

The doctor had come in to check her and said she was 5 cm dilated and 50% effaced. She told the young couple since she's progressing quickly it should only be a few more hours. Maya's heart started to race, a few more hours until a baby was born.. her baby.. All kinds of thought floated around her head. What if she wasn't good mom? What if she isn't there like she is suppose to be? She looked over at Lucas who was right by her bed sitting. "Huckleberry.. I'm scared.." She whispered to him, he grabbed her hand and held onto it. "Everything will be okay, I promise." He tried to reassure her and it did help slightly.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I wanted to put a little something up cause I feel like it's been forever since I put up a new chapter. I promise the baby will be here in the next chapter. 😊 Last chance to say what you want the gender to be! 😊

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