A new edition part 2

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Lucas's P.O.V

It's 4 a.m and Maya's contraction got closer and closer together. She's really trying to go without getting an epidural since she's almost 8 centimeters dilated. I'm so happy with how good she's doing but I wish I could help her with the pain but I can't. Makes me feel so useless. Everyone wants to come here and visit Maya before the baby comes but she's in so much pain that I told them they should wait til after the baby is here, which they understand. But baby berry is almost here, Maya is super scared and I can tell. But everything will be just fine.

Maya's P.O.V

I'm 8 centimeters dilated without an epidural. This is the most painful thing I've ever felt. Lucas has been amazing, he's has been dealing with me this while time. I'm not as mean as I thought I'd be, I can barely talk to even be mean. These contractions are back to back. I'm super scared to give birth but I know baby berry will be worth it all.

It's been 2 hours and the doctor came back into the to check on Maya again. "Well Ms.Hart it looks like you're fully dilated, I'll be right back." Maya started to shake from her nerves, she was terrified. Lucas grabbed her hand and rubbed her arm softly. "It's going to be okay Maya. You're strong, you're going to be okay." Maya just nodded her head and took deep breaths as another contraction started. The doctor and nurses came back in and got Maya prepared to push. "Okay next contraction you can start to push Ms.Hart." Maya nodded and waited til she felt the next contraction and started to push as hard as she could. She took a big breath and started pushing again. This went on for 30 minutes and Maya had tears down her face. "I cant do this anymore." Maya said feeling defeated. Lucas wiped away her tear and kissed her softly. "Maya yes you can. You can do anything you want. The baby is almost here. Please Maya, I know you can." Maya had tears running down her face again and nodded her head as she felt another excruciating contraction start and pushed as hard as she could. "Okay Ms.Hart, the baby's head is out. Just a few more big pushes okay?" The doctor said and the nurses started to encourage her more along with Lucas. Maya pushed three more time and the sounds of a baby crying filled the room. She had tears streaming down her face now. Her baby was here, a baby with Lucas..the start of their little crazy family. Lucas had tears in his eyes as he seen the baby. "And the baby is....A BOY!" She had said excitedly to the new couple and placed the baby on Maya's chest. He laid on her chest for a few minutes before the nurses took him back to clean him up and check him out. "A boy Maya, we have a son!" Lucas said through his tears. Maya smiled through her tears. "Baby Greyson Wyatt Friar." The nurses loved his name as they wrote it down. "October 4th at around 6:44 a.m" The nurses said so the new parents could know the exact time he was born. The new chapter of their life had just begun.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! A lot of you wanted a boy so baby Greyson is here! 😊 I know a few wanted twins, but maybe in the future that could happen😊

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