The Hospital

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There was a faint beeping in the distance, the shuffling of feet echoed all around, voices murmured under their breath close by. The seemingly unfamiliar noises aggravated Bucky and his eyes snapped open. After a few seconds of blurry confusion he registered where he was. A hospital room.

What on earth had happened? He wracked his brain. The last thing he remembered was - his blood ran cold as he began to recall. He had been getting ready for a mission with Steve. If he was here than where was Steve? What had happened to them?
He bolted upright in distress.
"Oh, Mr Barnes! Good to see your awake!" An unfamiliar doctor exclaimed starting towards him.
"Where's Steve." Bucky interrupted him.
"Sir, please." The doctor insisted as he tried to put a hand on Bucky's shoulder.
Instantly he grabbed a hold of the doctors wrist with his metal hand and squeezed.
"Where is he?" Bucky growled.
The strange doctor just looked at him.
"Is he okay?" Bucky asked getting increasingly worried.

The way he was looking at him made Bucky's gut twist and flip as he thought the worst.
"You can relax James, Mr Rogers is alright, he just has a few nasty burns but he will be fine in a matter of days.
"Burnt?" Blurted Bucky. "What were we doing?"
"Don't you remember?" The doctor frowned.
Bucky shook his head obliviously.
"Hmm, maybe the amnesia still affects you." The doctor muttered under his breath and wrote something down on his clip board. "I'm Doctor Randle by the way." He added holding out a hand for Bucky to shake.
He reached out his flesh hand to return the gesture and noticed the tube and needle injected into his skin. It was only then that Bucky became aware of a dull ache in his left leg and the sharp pain that shot down his left side as he shifted his weight uncomfortably. He winced and was about to ask what had happened when he was interrupted by a ruckus.
"Bucky! Bucky! Oh, 'scuse me, sorry, I've got to get through. Bucky!" A frantic voice called, along with the sound of clattering metal. Just then, a mop of shaggy blonde hair peered around the curtain and Bucky felt himself instantly relax as he became at ease. It was Steve.

"Steve!" He exclaimed, his voice still horse from lack of use, and his throat was on fire.
"Oh Buck!" Steve exhaled, ripping back the curtain and running to his boyfriend. "I was so worried! You were out for nearly two days!"
"Woah really?" Bucky asked taken aback.
"Yes baby, you were hurt pretty bad." Steve said sadly. Just then a tear sprung to his eye.
"Aw Stevie! What's wrong? I'm okay now! We're both okay." Bucky cooed, trying to sit up and hug Steve but falling back down as a sting shot through him. "Ahh." He grunted, trying to act discrete.
"I'm so sorry Bucky, I tried to help you, I really did. But it was just too much, and seeing you in that state had me all worked up and unfocussed." Steve cried.
"Okay, can someone please explain to me what actually happened because I seriously don't remember." Bucky asked, getting slightly agitated.
"What? You don't know?" Asked Steve.
Once again Bucky shook his head.
Steve looked to the doctor worried.
"We will talk about it later." He explained calmly. "Although do understand, memory loss after unconsciousness is not uncommon."
Steve nodded and started the story.

"It was meant to be an easy mission, no advanced or mutated beings involved. We were literally just rescuing kids from a burning orphanage to help the fire fighters. We split up, you went upstairs while I stayed downstairs. The floor fell through and must've taken you with it because next thing I knew you were screaming my name and crying out in pain. I tried to find you but the smoke was so thick and I was already dizzy and coughing and I couldn't see through the grey. By the time I finally did find you, you had blacked out due to smoke inhalation and you were half buried under a metal beam. I tried to lift it off you and drag you out but it was like all of my super strength was gone. I stayed with you until the firemen dragged me out themselves. I tried to go back in there but they wouldn't let me. They held me back and started fussing over my arm but after that I must've blacked out. But from what they told me-" He explained, pausing to take a shaky breath. "Your lucky you survived. They couldn't find you for a long, long time Buck, and if you didn't have the serum in you, if you were just a regular person, you would've died for sure."
"You suffered a broken leg and four cracked ribs as well as severe smoke inhalation issues." Dr Randle added.

Bucky looked at them both shocked.
"Really?" He said in disgust. "Man, I couldn't have gone down in a cooler more heroic way?" He exclaimed.
This caused Steve and the Doctor to break I to laughter.
"Why couldn't I have like, fallen out of an alien spaceship that abducted me or something?" He wined.
"Oh Buck." Steve chuckled and stroked his boyfriends hair. "Its good to have you back, I came as soon as I heard you were awake. I've been waiting here the whole time." He said more sadly.
Bucky ignored the comment and showed his concern for Steve. "What about you? Are you okay?" He asked, noticing the thick gauze wrapped around Steve's right arm.
"Oh yeah I'm fine, literally this will heal in a few days." He shrugged. "I'm more worried about you, Doc, why hasn't he shown hardly any improvement yet? He had the super serum too." He pointed out in concern.
"Well, you see, Mr Barnes received a severe dose of a varied version of your serum. When Zola experimented on him he wasn't concerned about his healing powers but his strength and ability to fight. However it has obviously inhanced him in some way because he survived both the fall from the train and this but, I mean his arm didn't exactly heal after that fall did it either? It's all still very confusing to us I'm afraid." Doctor Randle explained.
Both Steve and Bucky explained.
"I guess when they put him in cryo for those years at a time it would give him enough time to heal before they needed him again." He added.

"So what? I'm gonna be in a cast for how long?" Bucky asked.
"Four weeks by the looks of it." The Doctor stated.
"Ughhhh." Bucky threw his head back and groaned in frustration.
"And you'll be in bed for at least a week to rest your ribs, plus extra time taking it easy." He added.
"Oh come on!" Bucky wined.
"Buck." Steve warned in a whisper.
"Oh, sorry, I mean okay, thank you for your help doctor." He said in a sarcastically sweet voice.
"I'm so glad you're ok." Steve laughed and leaned in to kiss Bucky.
After a moment the doctor interrupted them to say that after a few more test had been done they should be good to go home. Sure enough, in just a few hours they were walking out of the hospital. Well, Steve was, while much to Bucky's disgust he was being wheeled along by Steve in a wheelchair.
"Your not going to enjoy this are you?" Steve smiled teasingly.
"Shut up punk." Bucky glowered.
"Oh cheer up sad sack, just think, a whole week of cuddles in bed." Steve pointed out.
"Hmm." Bucky said suddenly perking up. "Maybe it won't be so bad after all."

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