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          At around 7:00 pm, I heard a soft knock on my door as I finished applying the last bit of lipstick. "Coming!" I yelled as I pulled on my flats and grabbed a sweater. I yanked open the door and as soon as I did David smiled.

          "You look great!" He exclaimed, blushing.

          "Thank you." I replied looking down at the purple dress I decided to wear, also blushing. He held out his arm and I took it, closing the door behind me. "What gave you the idea of dancing?" I blurted out, instantly covering my mouth. "I mean, not that I don't think it's fantastic, it's just that, I don't know a lot of people who go dancing anymore..." I blushed again as we got into the elevator.

          "I, um... I'm not exactly sure. It was the only thing that came to mind." He chuckled softly.

          "So you like dancing?" I asked him.

          "Very much so." He said looking at me.

          "Nobody has ever taken me dancing before. I apologize if I'm no good." I said. "My dad taught me how to dance. And that seems like an eternity ago."

          "It's okay, I'll help you." He smiled and took my hand as we got out of the elevator and through the doors leading to the busy New York street. We got into a cab and David told him where to go.

          The cabbie drove us down towards the water. "This is as far as I can take ya'" he said looking at David.

          "Thank you, sir." He said handing the man a 10." He got out and quickly walked to my side and opened the door for me.

          "And thank you." I said as he bowed in front of me. I took his arm again as we walked the rest of the way to the water and to a ballroom open to the water. David paid for us to get in. We found a place to put our things and he took my hand.

          And just like that we were dancing like old dancing partners. "So since I barely know anything about you before I asked you to go on a date, tell me about yourself." He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me. It seemed like his blue eyes could look through anything.

          "Well. My mum and dad had me when they were very young. And they split up when I was 2. My dad could always play the guitar and I wanted to be just like him, so I tried. Although that didn't work as well as I thought, it looked easy, you know. So when I entered 7th grade, I picked up playing the violin. That's what got me into Juilliard." I finished as he twirled me and the second song played.

          "What about your mum?" He asked.

          "Me and my mum never really got along when I was young. We got closer as I got older but kind of just broke apart when I moved here."

          "That's a shame." He said, looking up over my shoulder.

          "What about you, what got you into Juilliard?" I asked steering the conversation towards him.

          "I play the Saxophone." He said. My jaw dropped. I closed it as soon an I noticed I probably looked like an idiot.

          "And what about your parents?" I asked.

          He told me about his parents and much more, as did I. As I had expected his life was very interesting. Two songs turned to three, three to four, four to five. By the time the fifth song came on it was almost 9:30. I rested my head between his shoulder and neck as he hugged me and whispered in my ear.

          "Do you want to go for a walk." He asked. I looked up into his big blue eyes and nodded. He grabbed our things and helped me put on my sweater before putting on his. I grabbed his arm and we walked along the water. 

          After 5 minutes, I spoke. "I really enjoyed myself." I looked at him waiting for a reply.

          "Me too," he answered after a couple of seconds. "I haven't been dancing in a long time. And may I say, you are quite the partner."

          "Why thank you, Bowie." I said to him. I started to shiver.

          "Would you like to get a cab? I could take you home if you'd like." He asked.

          "Yes that would nice." I answered. We rode back to my apartment in silence.

          When we reached my floor I invited him in. "I should be going..." He trailed off, not wanting to give an explanation. His eyes seemed distant.

          "Well, thank you for a really nice evening. We should go out again." I said. He nodded and rubbed that back of his neck. I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight." I said, before closing the door and sliding to the floor. Who knew finding a sweatshirt could land you a date? And an amazing date at that.

          I reached in the pocket of my sweater and felt a piece of paper. On the paper was David's phone number.

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