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"Oh my GOD!" I screamed.

"I can see her head, Ilse. I need you to push again." The doctor said.

"DAVID!" I yelled through clenched teeth. I squeezed his hand and pushed again. "This baby better be DAMN WELL WORTH IT!" I yelled again. "19 hours of labor is LONG ENOUGH FOR ME!"

"Ok. Push again." I did as the doctor said and yelled one last time before I heard a sweet little cry.

David kissed my head as I felt my eyes roll back. He let go of my hand and walked to the baby to cut her cord. I passed out as he walked away.


When I woke up I was in a regular hospital room. It was small and had the baby's bed right next to mine. I could see David holding a bundle and cooing at it. "David." I croaked. He looked up and grinned like a fool. He got up and walked over to me, placing our baby in my arms after I sat up.

I took a look at her once and almost came to tears. She had the most beautiful green eyes and blonde hair. Her lips were just as beautiful as David's. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I moved over so he could crawl into bed next to me.

"Isn't she beautiful?" He whispered, with his thick British accent.
"She sure is." I replied, my gaze lost in her green eyes, identical to mine. "She really is worth it."

He started to hum to us. We were his girls after all. "She's our baby." He said plainly. "And I promise you that I will never let anything bad happen to either of you." He sang Life On Mars? to us as I fell asleep with Roslyn-Charlotte and woke up slightly as David slipped her out of my arms.


We left the hospital two days after she was born and were greeted with paparazzi and reporters. David took me by the waist and smiled brilliantly for the cameras. I looked down as we made our way to the front door of our hotel apartment. When we got in I brought Roslyn-Charlotte to her crib in our room and stood looking at her.

I felt a kiss on my neck as David joined me in looking at our beautiful newborn girl.


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