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Wess ran right through the middle of the amphitheater, vaulted over the sacrificial bed and gave a flagrant hand signal to the statue of Dakadihm as he passed by it. He swung his gear over his back and it bounced and bobbed as he ran. His leg wound dripped to the ground and he could only imagine the blood trail left with each step. He glanced back. The gate was open now. Men poured out of the portal. There must be two hundred of them, he thought. Thank the gods there are no horses. He pushed on hoping he could outrun them. He had to.


"You see that?" Kayla said squinting. The temple's gate began to slide apart. Then, one hand shot to cover her open mouth, and one pointed forward. A shirtless Wesley Whiteknuckle ran straight for them chased by pursuers in black. "Boys, we have a problem."

Otis looked, blinked and shook his head, then looked again. "What in the nine hells did that Knucklehead do?"

Haygen strapped his spear to his back and readied Icefang. Kayla gathered her gear and Takitus felt the stress and fear over the group and landed on his master's shoulder to comfort her. Otis slid on his helmet and armed himself with warhammer and shield.

"Stay down in the cover of the rocks," said Otis. "We don't want their far scouts to spot us."

The little Faeling never dropped his speed the whole time he ran. He approached closer and closer.

"Kayla, can you speed him up?" asked Otis.

"No, he's too far," said the Wizard.

"Blast!" the Dwarf swore.

"When they get closer I will bring fire down on them," Kayla said. Her voice low and her lip curled in eager anticipation.

Wess ran and ran putting far distance between his pursuers when finally he reached his friends.

"Wesley!" cried Otis. "Are you alright?"

The Faeling just breathed and couldn't speak. He pointed to his wounded leg.

Otis shook his head and bade him sit down. "Hold still a moment. Don't talk." The Healer called down his powers. The Faeling cursed as the pain ran through him, but looked rejuvenated soon after. His leg looked better and his breath returned.

"What happened?" asked Kayla.

Wesley's eyes shifted back and forth like a puppy that knew he did something wrong. He untied the black tunic and produced the Skull of Dakadihm.

"Wess!" screamed his three companions in unison.

"It's good to see you all," Wess said, "but it's time to go now." He pointed at the two hundred soldiers heading their way.

"Wess," Otis started in on him, "you were just supposed to count troops. Count weapons. Find out what we are we up against, so we can attack with the Corfé army. Here you are with the skull! I knew you'd pull something like this!"

"It seemed like a very good idea...at the time," Wess said between breaths. "I just thought we could put it back and the army could march right through to the temple."

"Was getting caught part of your plan?" Haygen shook his giant Half-orc head.

"Well, no—"

"Wesley!" shouted Kayla. Her arms flailed up and down. "You are incredibly brave and you...have...the brain...of a Troll!" She turned to the Dwarf. "Our plan is shot! What are we to do, Otis?"

Otis smiled at the three of them staring at him with hope in their eyes. "Did you really think I didn't plan for this possible outcome?" The Dwarf smiled. "I've known this little Faeling for a long time," he put his hand on Wess' shoulder. "I thought this might happen. And, let me guess, you tried to kill Valon Sadesh?"

The Whispering Woods: The Companions [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now