[27] Death Among the Gold - The Final Battle

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A/N: My longest wattpad chapter to date. Grab your coffee/tea/dew/monster/beverage of choice. Thank you once again for staying with me on this journey. I hope you enjoy.

Sunshine broke through the trees of the Whispering Woods and cast speckled rays of light that dotted the armed soldiers of Corfé. The forest fought to return to its former glory and Kayla found it far too beautiful of a day to go to war. She wondered if the soldiers believed the same thing, or if all they only lived to fight.

The She-elf learned a few of the warriors' names and a little about them. Dame Leara Whentworthe, a Black Knight originally from New Hathelia. Also, Sir Jaymes Dinely, a Black Knight and cousin to the king. A handsome spearman among the foot soldiers claimed to have sailed from the Far East, but she didn't believe him and declined his personal advances with a polite smile. Lastly, it was young Edwin Lefevre's first time in combat. The lad barely stood eighteen sole, yet he proved to be an eager warrior bearing sword and shield. Kayla knew that he would change after this battle. He would not be the same after he took a life and saw death spring before him. His family would find him changed if he returned. War changes us all, she thought. Either way, if they stood victorious the glory of the battle would be his and all would tell the tales and bring honor to his family like the rest of them.

The Knights brushed the hair and cleaned the hooves of their Clydesdales before they saddled them. Some braided the manes so they could easily recognize one warhorse from the other. Afterward, they cleaned their bodies and combed their hair and applied their oils just as Kayla remembered. The air smelled of pine, lily, and rare spices from the south. They helped each other put their heavy armor on and gave hard slaps to the shoulder pauldrons. After the slaps came the words, Blood and Glory. 

The Corfé foot soldiers sowed discipline as well, though not as elaborate as the knights. They washed, focusing on their feet, and sharpened their weapons with smooth stones.

From the soup cauldron, Otis created a potion for the soldiers and told them that they were all blessed by the god of creation and that the pleasant draught would give them protection. Kayla never witnessed the Dwarf do such a thing, but she drank the sweet liquid all the same and her muscles tingled with vigor.

General Kincaid, who found time to polish his armor to a shine, eventually raised a green banner. This indicated to the army that it was time to mount horses and form ranks.


Otis knelt before the army and prayed to his god for a victory. However, Panahdae was once again occupied and no force flowed through him to bless the army. He blessed them in his deity's name and that would have to suffice for now. With that, they were on their way north.

Otis and Kayla took lead of the battle force to show the scouts, Haygen and Wess, that it was safe and that everything was okay. Takitus was free to fly around Kayla, though, after a while, Kincaid told her he was a distraction to the force. Reluctantly, the blue Faerie Dragon took his rightful place on Kayla's left shoulder and behaved himself.

The sun rose to its full strength and the companions reunited. The army halted inside the edge of the Whispering Woods to hide their numbers.

Otis patted Wess on the shoulder. "General, you remember Sergeant Whiteknuckle."

"Yes, good to see you again, Sergeant," Kincaid said. "I hear that you are responsible for the intelligence gathering of the enemy and the return of the skull."

Wesley raised a finger. "Well, General, that's kind of a long story. You see—"

"And this is Haygen," Otis said cutting off the chatty Faeling.

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