Chapter One

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 NOTE:  The video on your right is the official song for this story!  Be sure to check it out and see how to  like it!  Also be sure to comment and vote, so I know what to improve throughout the story.  Thank you so much for choosing "Witch" and have a good read!


I’m always the first one awake in the morning.  “Hmpf,” I grunt as I roll out of bed and into my boots.  My room is dark, but I can smell what’s going on.  “The mushrooms?!” I quickly touch the lamp next to my bed and say “repperiono.” The light shines brightly and illuminates my bedroom, the stone walls, the ceiling to floor bookshelves, and my pride and joy, the potion brewery.  It was just a basic set, but still.

I run over to the petri dish I was storing in my lab desk and open it up.  The putrid smell of decaying mushrooms overwhelms me. I tear up and slip some goggles on to protect my eyes.  I must look ridiculous with a nightgown, boots, and lab goggles on.  After I finish coughing, I see that the common mushrooms I had doused in eel urine were glowing!  “I did it!” I jump around and grab my notebook and pen.

Seventh Month, Seventh Day

I knew it was true.  If you take common mushrooms and soak them in eel urine for twelve hours in a dark room, they glow.  I am going to see if I can extract the glow from these, and compare it to regular glowing mushrooms.  I will keep the notebook updated.


The seventh day of the seventh month? There’s something strange here.  What is it that I’m not remembering?

“Happy Birthday, Daughter!”  A large, boisterous woman opens the door and sings.  She has a giant grin on her face and a giant package in her hands.

Oh, yes!  My birthday! “Mother, you remembered!” I grin.

“How could I forget the day I mixed up the best potion of my life?” She jokes.  Her eyes flick from the top of my bedhead, to the bottom of my dress boots.  “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” She laughs then sniffs. She sniffs the air again and cries. “Deom Maxime! What is that smell?!”

“Look!” I hold the petri dish up to her and grin.“Glowing mushrooms!  I made them!”

“You made glowing mushrooms?” Now she was hooked.  “But they don’t look like-“

“Urine,” I hold up the vial of eel urine I ordered.  “Soak it in normal mushrooms, let it marinate, then bam! Glowing mushrooms.”

She looks down at me and smiles.  “My daughter is brilliant. I can’t wait to see where she goes with this.”

We both laugh.  Mother has always supported me with my endeavors, even if they do sometimes fail.  But I was always taught that you learn through both failing and succeeding.  She’s the one who got me started into potion making as soon as I could stand on my own and look into a cauldron, even though it wasn’t permitted by law.

“So what’s the package?” I slyly point and smile raising my eyebrows. 

“Oh, it’s nothing much.  Just a little something every witch gets on her twelfth birthday,” She sets in down on the desk.

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