Chapter Seven

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"Oh my God!"

"What happened?!"

"Just look at her!"

Blackness covers me like a thick blanket, its weight keeping me down.  I am unable to move.

"We need help!  I...I was trying to teach her how to fly and...she...oh my God please, someone get a doctor!"  I recognize Limerick's desperate cry.  I feel her footsteps run toward me.

"She's covered in blood!"

"do you think she's alive?"

I want to say that I am alive.  I want to jump up and scream that I'm alive, but won't stay that way for long if I don't get help.

"Willow!  Please be okay!  Do you hear me?!"  Limerick's voice comes out in wretched sobs.

"Look at the way her arm is twisted!"

"Oh, my.  How gruesome!"

These voices surround me.  They bring terrifying messages of death and danger.  I cry inside.

I have no strength under this blanket, I wonder if my voice works.

"Lim."  I say in barely a whisper. 

"Did she say that?"

"I don't know."

"Limerick,"  I say in a scratchy voice.  "Save me."

I feel the body next to mine tense up.  "Oh my God!  Stay with me Willow!"  I feel a small hand on my head.  The pain erupts through my body like a  huge volcano.   A small wail bellows from my throat.  I settle down.  If I moved, something could go wrong.

I'm lucky to be alive, and I plan to keep it this way.  "Don't touch me.  I'm in a lot of pain, so go get help."  I feel tears stream down my face once more, and sobs begin to shift my chest, each one hurting more than the last.  "Save me."  I feel helpless, like a child.  I feel as if I'm a helpless kid, who fell and scraped his knee. 

"Somebody listen to me!"  Limericks stands and bellows to the crowd.  "Someone go get help, or else she's going to die!  Please! Somebody!"  She cries again.  I can hear the desperation in her voice. 

"Step aside everyone," I hear a manly voice in the crowd.  "I said move out of my way!"

I hear rustling and pushing as heavy footsteps come toward me.  Then I feel knees drop to the ground.

"Please don’t touch me,"  I say right away as a warning.

"I'm going to try my best not to hurt you,"  The man says in a deep voice.  "My name is Doctor Tamil.  Now, I want you to keep talking to me.  What is your name?"

"Willow Aspen  Mire."

"Now do you want to tell me what happened here?"  I feel a sharp intense pain in my arm.

"Ah!"  I'm caught by surprise as I'm slowly lifted up into his arms.  "No! No!"

"It's okay. I'm bringing you somewhere safe,"  He assures me.  "Tell me what happened."

"I fell,"  I answered.  Little needles feel as if they're jabbing into my side with every footstep the Doctor takes.  I grimace on the inside.  More tears well up in my eyes and run down my cheeks.  Pain sears through my left shoulder and over my collar bone.  I feel my elbow twisted awkwardly, and notice I could reach between my shoulder blades, somewhere I could not reach before.  My ribs feel flattened and somewhat deflated.  My legs feel somewhat unscathed, just burned from the slide across the grass.  I let out a cry.

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