Chapter Eleven

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The classes following are Mathematics and basic Spellcast.  Both are boring, but both go by fairly quickly.  I'm soon in Advanced Potions again.  The familiar sights and smells of boiling and freezing concoctions, a darkened room, and lab coats, goggles, and gloves.  I smile slightly at the places I walk in. 

At the far wall, our assigned coats and accessories are hanging on name-tagged hooks.  Mine, still looking perfectly like new, are on the far end of the row, and I walk to grab them.  I set down my bag at my table first and slip the heavy, lead lined coat over my outfit and slip on the goggles and gloves.

"It's good to see you again,"  An older voice says from out of the blue.  I just slightly and look toward the teacher's desk.

"Mrs. Jameson."

The woman smiles and comes to me.  People begin to file into the classroom, so she pulls me aside into her office.  It's small and stuffy, the desk covered in papers.  Mrs. Jameson takes a seat.  I begin to notice the lines on her face, indicating her true age.  Thick glasses with square frames sit on her desk like an ancient artifact.  "You're probably wondering why I want to talk to you."

"Sure, I guess,"  I take a seat where she directs me to, on a small bench across from her. 

"Well, as you can guess, you've missed quite a lot of this class,"  She begins.  "I don't know if there's anyway you can complete all of the assignments in time for your final.  Well, here's the thing."  She shuffles a few papers across from her until finding one.  "I want to be completely honest with you, Willow."

I lean in closer and nod.  "Yeah?"

"Well, you're one of the best potion-makers the College has had…."

"Am I?"  The news comes as quite a shock to me.  I slowly sake my head.  "I-I'm sorry but I don't think that--"

"Don't be ridiculous.  I can pull out any potion right now and you could name it without blinking.  I could even blindfold you, and you smell the potion and still be able to name it.  Am I right?"  She urges.

"I mean, I guess you're right."

"Of course I am.  What is the main component in a blood replacement potion?"


"Just answer it.  I know that you can."

"It's just scraping from sheep's hoof, but I don't know why--"

"Who was the first to make a scar erasing elixir?"

"Wizard Soos Makey."

She sets back in her chair again.  "You even know history. Hm?"

I look down and play with my thumbs.  "I studied the history of each potion that I learned how to make through time."

"Willow, I'm kicking you out of my class."  She says abruptly.

"You're what?"  I gasp. 

"You're too good, dear,"  She assures me.  "And this is the highest potion class in this school.  I took the liberty of looking through your notes wile you were in the hospital.  I found that, everything we will be studying in this class, you have already learned!  I even saw things in there that I haven't even heard about!  Those notes were even in child's handwriting!"  She stands, and I follow suit.  "I want you to keep up with your independent studies, and that's all.  I'll keep up with giving you grades as long as you keep up with your individual work."

"I-I will.  Is this even  allowed by the school?"  I'm flabbergasted.  The very thought is amazing, even amusing, to study potions on my own as I always have. 

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