Chapter Sixteen

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These four walls are blistering.  I watch the paint peel, but I cannot wake from this dream.

-Black Light Burns


The town we arrive in is small, and fairly old fashioned.  The buildings are made of wooden planks and slats, the roads made of dirt.  A clearing in the trees give away its presence, the small place home to a few houses, shops, and a small hotel.

"Come on,"  I say, hiking my backpack up.  I scan the area, and out in front of a general store are a few benches and tables.  "You want to rest there?"  I point it out to Amethyst, you seems to be glad we've approached the town.  "You can start eating while I get the bus tickets?"

"Sure,"  she says, and we begin walking toward the area.  We set our heavy packs down on the table. 

"We don't get many College students down here in town," An old man approaches us from inside the store.  He rests against the doorframe, and smiles.  Crinkles from around his mouth as he speaks again, in a curious tone.  "So what are you girls doing around here?"  He seems sincere, but I lie to him anyway. 

"My cousin Sage and I are taking a sightseeing trip around the country, something we've planned for a while."

"Oh?"  He smiles again.  "I could say I've been around as well.  I hope you and your cousin have a good time."  He returns to the shop. 

Amethyst carefully takes out her lunch from her pack.  I see her looking around for something, then she stands up.  She grabs her canteen and bends down to a spall spigot on the side of the building.  Water begins to dribble into the canteen at a slow pace, but it seems cool and refreshing nonetheless.

I nonchalantly reach into my backpack and take out some cash.  "Fill up mine too while I buy the bus tickets."


I turn around, squinting in the sunlight.  I see a small booth next to a sign with a picture of a bus on it.  Obviously, that is it.  I take long strides as I walk up to the woman in the booth.  "Excuse me?"

"What can I get you?"

"Two tickets for the bus to New Golwen City.  One child, one adult,"  I tell her.

"It's twenty Gold for the one-way,"  She begins printing the tickets.

"That's fine,"  I hand her the first bit of money I would spend on the trip.  I then take the two printed tickets.  "When does it come?"

"At seventeen hundred, so in about an hour.  Feel free to take a look at our town and shops,"  She smiles.

"Sure thing,"  I turn and walk back to my sister.  The grass seems so soft.  When I sit next to her, I take off my shoes.  Amethyst does the same. 

"Can I get a piece of candy?"  Amethyst points to the sparkling colors wrapped in cellophane inside the shop.  "When you were gone, the man told me that they tasted good." 

I consider this.  I wanted her to fall asleep for most of the bus ride, and a candy will surely keep her bouncing off the walls.  On the other hand though, she had never had something as delicious, something every child has when they are young.  I sigh and give her a lopsided smile.  "Sure, but just one.  And you have to eat all of your lunch first."

"Okay!"  She quickly gobbles the rice and cucumbers I had made for her and drinks a canteen full of water.  I had barely begun setting my own food out.  She waits impatiently as I savor my cold lunch.

Once I'm done and the last container is wrapped up, Amethyst hops out of her seat and says "Candy time!"

I reluctantly stand as well.  "Go pick one out."

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