Chapter Two

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Returning back to the shop, I see it already filled with witches.  “Willow, darling!”  Mother calls to me behind the counter before a line of witches holding goods they’re ready to pay for.  “Could you change out of your dress and into some work clothes?  I need you to help with the shop, my dearest!”

So there’s not another birthday surprise for me?  I shake off my slight disappointment and run to the back of the store.  After opening the hidden stone door, I stomp up the spiral step into my bed room and quickly run to my closet.  Suddenly, something on my bed catches my eye.  I turn toward it and take a closer look.

It’s a long box, wrapped in brightly colored paper, which is so long it’s just about the length of my bed.  “Hm?”  I slowly peel the lime green paper off of the box.  It’s plain and white.  After the paper is completely off of the box I slowly lift off the lid and peek inside.

After a loud gasp and throw off the cover and whip out the broom inside.  I got a broom!  I’ve been asking for a broom ever since I started Basic School!  The wood is dark and smoothly lacquered, and the bristles are soft and neatly drawn to a point.  I squeal in delight.

“Oh!” Suddenly remembering my responsibility as a potion maker’s daughter, I gently lean my new broom against the wall and throw off my new dress.  I hang it neatly in the closet, and hang my hat and gloves on the hook next to the closet door.  Shivering, I slip on my worn-out, burlap work dress and tie on my apron.  I put my boots back on and leave the room.  I stomp back down the staircase and into the shop.   It’s busier than ever. 

Immediately going into action, I run to my post next to the ingredients.  “Can I help any of you?”  I ask the dozens of witches browsing the various shelves. 

“Yes, can you tell me something about recovering health potions?” A slim witch approaches me with a smile. 

“Well, there are lots of different kinds, but…” I turn toward the shelf and grab a container. “Mint leaves are almost always the main ingredient.  What kind were you looking for?”

“Well, my daughter Trina is always coming down with some kind of cold or stomach bug.  I just want something to have on hand if anything gets serious,” She takes the mint leaves out of my hand.  After a sniff and a smile, she places them back on the shelf.

“I would probably suggest a Potion of Quick Health.  It’ll get Trina out and about in no time,” I walk her over to the cabinet.  I mutter the secret code “Let spotincucal da venetrainyos.” 

The cabinet opens to my command.  After a minute of searching, I pull out an opaque brown bottle with a cork in it.  “This is it.”

“Perfect,” She takes the potion and hands me ten Silvers. “Thank you!” She walks out of the shop.

I smile and wipe my hands on my apron.  About two seconds later, I feel a tap on my shoulder. “Excuse me?”

The day drags on, me helping people, making a couple of potions, and keeping the customers happy.  At lunchtime, my mother closes.  “Sorry for making you work on your birthday, Willow.”

“It’s okay,” I smile at her.  “This is what I love doing, and I hope to run the shop someday!”

“So did you see what I put in your bedroom?” Auntie winks at me. 

“Yes!” I jump and hug her for the second time that day.  “Thank you, thank you, thank you, Auntie Jeannie!”

“It’s about time you got one of your own,”  Mother walks to the back of the store and put all of the cash we made that day into a safe that’s sealed with a spell even I don’t know.  She hides the safe in the wall behind the counter.  “So who’s ready to eat?”

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