Chapter Fourteen

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"Whoops,"  She smiles and covers her mouth.  "I wasn't supposed to say that."  She turns her back to me.

The mysteries keep piling on. 

Amethyst strolls to the other side of the bedroom and spins around on her heel.  Her face is an expression of being aloof.  The quickly strides to my closet and pulls out a turquoise  blouse.  She holds it up and examines it.  "I wish that I could wear clothes like this.  All I get is this leather dress."

"There's nothing wrong with it,"  I quickly scan her outfit.  It's somewhat crudely made, out of raw leather and twine.  Her gloves are similar with bits of pelt over the palms.  It hangs loosely down a sash over her small frame right to her knobby knees.  Her boots, made of the same material, seem too big for her feet and are pointed at the toes.  The clothes are strange fore sure, but seem to serve some other kind of symbolic purpose.

She rubs the material between her fingers and smooths the fur down on her gloves.  "Mamma made it out of the first animal she saw, a rabbit.  It was next to her when she woke up."

"So she killed the rabbit?"

"Of course, to make my clothes."

I've never killed a thing in my life, nor would I ever even consider doing it.  People, especially witches, have a very short time to live, so it is taught not to kill or harm any other creatures.  It seems strange that the Goddess would do such a thing. 

She purses her pink lips and twirls around a minute.  She stops, her back to me and straightens out.  "I remember why I have to be here."


"Mamma wants me to take you to her,"  she turns and looks at me with cold, serious eyes.  "Soon."


"She wants to meet you,"  Amethyst flies over to the edge of my bed and sits on it.  Her wings reflect jewels of blue and purple and pink light no the wall like a kaleidoscope.  Her face cast downward. 

"Is...that a bad thing Amethyst?"  I go sit by her.  Feeling oddly maternal, I brush a piece of her black hair from her face and hug her around the shoulders.

"It's really hard to get a mortal, like you, into the garden without killing them.  Mamma wants you in the flesh though."

"Well, that's a relief,"  I chuckle.

"It's not funny!  I'm not powerful enough to do such a thing, and neither are you."

"What if we combine our magic?"  I inquire.

"You and me have different kinds over powers.  How can I describe it?  My powers are a piece from one puzzle, and yours are a piece from another.  No matter how similar, the two pieces will never fit together just right, yet,"  Amethyst uses her hands to illustrate what she says.


"That's right."

I smooth my shirt down a bit and say "There's another way to get there right?"

"Yes, but it's really difficult. It's a very long trip and will take a long time to get there.  It will also take up a lot of energy."  She buries her face into my shoulder and groans. 

"Tell me what it is,"  I urge her.

"There's an island far, far away.  The same one Mamma woke up on a long, long time ago.  That's where the portal is.  It's invisible to everybody except me, Mamma, and Mamma's friend," she starts.  "In order to get to the portal, you need one of us."

"Okay, so we need to get there somehow, I guess?" 

"How are we going to get passed Algemnia's best wizards at the ocean border?  How are we even gonna get across an ocean when you can't fly?!"  I can feel her start to worry.  "Willow, I'm just a kid.  I don't know what to do.," she trembles.

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