Chapter Nine

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"My name is Nurse Leafy by the way,"  She says as she removes all of the books and papers from around me.  "Before we start, I can disenchant your arm and remove your neck brace."

"Oh,"  I say as she presses her fingertips around my arm.

"Bones seem stiff...joints properly placed… Everything seems to be fine,"  She removes her plastic gloves and quickly jabs her fingernails into my forearm.  "Ruessirroi." 

I feel a faint tingling rush from the top of my shoulder to the tips of my fingers.  "Ha!"

"I assume everything feels right?"

"Uh-huh,"  I wiggle my fingers and roll my shoulder a few times.  I  Bend my elbow and say "Like new!"  I laugh in amazement.

"That's great and all, but you shouldn't lift a lot with it or do any big workouts,"  Mother mentions.

"That's right,"  Nurse Leafy says.  "Please do what your mother says."

"Yes, Estem,"  I murmur, still in amazement at my like-new arm.

Then the Nurse takes my neck brace off, and I feel like I can breathe freely again.

"Okay, let's get walking!"  She claps her hands together.  "Slowly now."  She takes the sheets off of me and smooths down my gown.  She takes me by the shoulders and wraps her arm across by back.  We slowly move me to sitting up, my legs swinging over the edge of the bed.  I stretch my legs a out and bend my knees a bit.

"Nice and limber?"  She asks, and I nod the affirmative.  "Then let's see."

"Easy now,"  Mother warns.

My bare feet slowly touch the cold, tiled flooring.  I shiver and continue to put more weight on them.

"Okay, come on,"  My butt slowly rises from off of the bed as I put even more weight on my feet.  I unbend my knees and eventually I'm standing.  "Hey, look at me!"

The nurse is still clutching my shoulders, and she adjusts my gown, making sure that I'm completely covered up.  "That's right.  Now, back straight, chin up."

I do as she says and slowly move my left foot forward.  I press it onto the floor, and I suddenly collapse.

"Hey!"  I clutch at her flowery pink scrubs on my way down.

Mother screams and stands up from her chair.  She clutches her heart.  "Willow, take it easy, love!"

I pant and grasp onto the rail of my hospital bed.  "Alright, help me up please." 

The two women help me back onto my feet. "why don't you just hold on to the rails while you try to walk, eh?  I don't want you falling down again."  Mother tells me.

"Yes, Mother,"  I place my good arm on my bed and slowly take literal baby steps.  More like shuffles.  My legs feel like gelation or noodles.  I had noticed that they had grown quite pale and thin.  I'm weak.

After a few rounds, Nurse Leafy says  "Want to come with me?"

I slowly take her hand with my left arm and make bigger steps.  "Are we going to leave the room?"

"Yes. The hallways are long and straight.  It'll be easy for you to walk down them,"  She turns to my mother. "You can stay here Estem Mire."

Mother nods and takes her seat again. 

We slowly make our way out of the room and into the hallway.  The floor is cold, but I'm sure that it is clean. 

"So when do I get out of here?"  I ask as we continue walking. 

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